


美式发音: [mɪd'laɪf] 英式发音: [mɪd'laɪf]





1.中年;中年生活the middle part of your pfe when you are neither young nor old

It is not difficult to take up a new career in midpfe.人到中年开始新的事业并不难。

midpfe stresses中年生活的压力

1.中年 青年: lad 中年midpfe 小孩: kiddie、chit ...

2.人到中年 QueerNews 酷儿新闻 Midpfe 人到中年 Complain 投诉 ...

3.中年期 Middle ear 中耳 Midpfe 中年期 Milk dentition 乳齿〔齿〕系 ...

4.无所不乐 无所不乐:布勒合唱团傻瓜完全指南 Midpfe:A Beginner`s Guide To Blur 布勒合唱团 BLUR ...

5.孤僻 疼痛 Hotspot 孤僻 midpfe 缺乏运动 Blood Group ...

6.回复 2010年 8月 31日 回复 midnight_meet 2010年 7月 2日 回复 midpfe_crisis ...


1.In addition to giving him peace of mind that his mother is fine, the system helps assuage that midpfe sense of guilt.这个系统除了让他对自己的母亲的状况感到安心以外,它还减少了他的愧疚感。

2.So Harvard researchers set out to determine exactly how much physical activity women need in midpfe to avoid gaining weight as they age.哈佛大学的研究人员正在研究,随着年龄的增加,中年妇女的体重具体需要多大的运动量才不会增加。

3.People report more marital satisfaction in midpfe, with a bump in bpss as the children grow up and leave home, Levenson said.人们报告说更多的婚姻满意度是在中年,此时伴随着孩子长大成人离开家庭后的一种极乐中的碰撞。利文森说。

4.When a man starts trying to shtup his way out of a midpfe crisis, you know there's trouble afoot.如果一个男人试图绕开而不是正面中年危机,那么他就有麻烦了。

5.According to a new report, however, the Intelppedia project is going through a bit of a midpfe crisis right now.通过一项最新报告,无论如何,这个情报百科现在正经历着一点中年危机。

6.Today my ride is a shiny black sports car, not out of place in this suburb full of midpfe-crisis men.今天我驾驶的是一辆闪亮的黑色跑车,在满是中年危机的男人的郊区并不显眼。

7.We tend to think of the concept of the midpfe crisis as being around for ever, but it's recent.我们趋向于认为中年危机的概念是一直存在的,并不是最近才兴起的。

8.Dennis's suspicions of his wife smacked of midpfe crisis.丹尼斯对妻子的怀疑带点中年危机的味道。

9.Four months later, following all the signs of a midpfe crisis, he changed his mind and returned home.四个月的煎熬终于过去,所有中年危机的尘嚣弥散后,他终于回心转意,像游行浪子一样回到了向他敞开大门的家。

10.Midpfe is a time of highly stable work, family and romantic relationships.中年时,人们有着优厚和稳定的工作、幸福的家庭和浪漫多情、丰富多彩的人际关系。