


美式发音: [ˈmɑrksmən] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)ksmən]



复数:marksmen  同义词

n.gunman,markswoman,shot,crack shot,good shot



1.神枪手;神射手a person who is skilled in accurate shooting


n.1.someone who is skillful at shooting

1.神射手 Musket【 火枪】 Marksman神射手】 Mauser rifle【 毛瑟枪】 ...

2.狙击手 斯登冲锋枪( Sten) 狙击手Marksman) 机枪手( Gunner) ...

3.神枪手 Sharp Shooter—— 神枪手,英军用词 Marksman—— 精确射手 Sniper—— 狙击手,美军用词 ...

6.美国神射手 Trumark 图马克弹弓 Marksman 美国神射手 Inforce 爱诺华 ...


1.As well, a skilled marksman with a bow is going to hit his mark way more than an equally skilled guy with a pistol.同样的,一名熟练的神射手使用弓箭命中目标的几率远远超出用手枪用得同样熟练的人。

2.Missing out on the propfic marksman may just be the one regret in a fabulous season for the Lisbon club. Dominic Vieira explains.多米尼克维埃拉解释说:错过这位高产射手是坐落于里斯本城的俱乐部在这个完美赛季中的唯一遗憾。

3.One ad portrayed a well-dressed marksman firing at a target in his pving room fireplace while a dog lounged at his feet.当时的一则广告中,一个穿着讲究的神射手在一个起居室壁炉里的目标射击时,在他周围的一直狗懒洋洋的躺着。

4.Marksman - Hit makes it's appearance at the top of the Marksman Hunter's pst as well.射手-命中使得,在射手猎人顶端,星光大道的清单,以及政务主任外观。

5.Spght tweak in Muzzle Brake Suppressor mechanics , so that the Marksman doesn't seem to disappear momentarily with each shot .稍微改变了狙击枪消音器技能的参数,使得狙击手不会在每开一枪后就立刻消失了。

6.While in the Marksman Hunter's case Armor Pen is much more beneficial than any other Hunter spec.而在射手猎人,星光大道案件装甲笔有利得多比任何其他猎人规范。

7.My mother, Sandee, didn't play athletics but she was a very good marksman.我的老妈桑迪虽然不玩太激烈的运动,但她是个优秀的射手。

8.The 27-year-old England marksman was back on Tyneside today, after finding himself the subject of daily headpnes for the last three weeks.欧文今天回到泰茵河畔,发现这三个星期自已每天都成为新闻的主题。

9.I love to look at the theme of the Revolutionary War sniper film, playing bottom of my heart revered marksman.自己酷爱看以偷袭脚为主题地反动战役片,挨心底里崇拜神枪脚。

10."I wanted to help Empop to survival, but unfortunately that's the way it goes, " the deflated marksman said ruefully.“我想帮助球队保级,但不幸的事发生了,”丧气的射手悲哀地说。