


美式发音: [ˈwɪlˌpaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈwɪlˌpaʊə(r)]





n.determination,resolve,resolution,strength of will,self-control



1.意志力the abipty to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do


n.1.the abipty to control your thoughts and behavior in order to achieve something

1.意志力 毅勇〖 resoluteandsteadfast〗 毅力〖 fortitude;stamina;willpower;will〗 毅然〖 resolute;firm〗 ...

3.黑眼威力【大纪元2013年05月08日讯】黑眼豆豆团长威尔(Will.i.am)第二张个人专辑《黑眼威力》(#WILLPOWER)近日刚发行。最 …

4.有毅力学习外语一定要有毅力willpower),若三天打鱼,两天晒网,肯定学不好外语。毅力是一个人在行动中坚定不移、百折不挠 …

5.意志值第一个值对应角色卡的意志值willpower),用以阻遏英雄完成任务。(可以看到和早先的牌比,意志的位置被移到了最上面- …

6.坚强的毅力而实现产品SFCQ目标的关键在于技术人才,安通的人才标准是坚强的毅力willpower)、卓越的能力(abipty)和敏捷的行动 …

7.自控力缺乏毅力,或者说缺乏意志力、自控力(Willpower),往往使我们的目标半途而废无疾而终。而意志力,对做成某事来说,至关 …


1.I do not know, maybe the previous repressed inert now all released. The impact of my pfe, and I willpower is not strong, was overthrown.我不知道,也许以前的被压抑的惰性现在全部释放,冲击了我的生活,而我意志力不强,被打倒了。

2.This story tells us that human interaction is often a battle of willpower and determination.这个故事告诉我们,人与人交往,常常是意志力与意志力的较量。

3.The German attempt to cow the British nation, or shatter their warmaking capacity and willpower by bombing, had been foiled .德国想用轰炸来恐吓不列颠民族或粉碎其作战能力和作战意志的企图,已经破灭。

4.He has shown ferocious willpower to confirm that he is still a true champion and I really hope to see him run out for Italy.他用极强的意志力来证明他仍然是真正的冠军,我真希望看到他为意大利效力。

5.The sense of the might and willpower of the American nation streamed up to me from the august assembly.从这个庄严的集会中,我不断地意识到美国这个国家的能力和意志力。

6.This girl is distinguished from her classmates for her uncommon willpower.这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同班同学。

7.He thought that willpower and rhetoric were enough, and was shocked when they turned out not to be.他认为意志力和花言巧语就足够。当他发现事情并不是这样时,他震惊了。

8.Trying hard to be good by gritting our moral teeth and upping our ethical willpower--all this sounds sensible.我们可以根据道德标准,咬紧牙关和激励意志,努力尝试行善;这一切听来似是可行的方法。

9.If they ever come out with a willpower pill, I'm all over it.假如它们能做成有意志力的药丸,我的饮食习惯就都会结束。

10.Try to figure out what is holding you back, be it a lack of time or willpower.试图想一想什么在拉住你,不论是缺乏时间还是意志力。