




1.精灵的 攻城(G14) Siege 精灵的 Elven 无限制 Dex+1~10 ...

2.精灵语 东方沙漠( eastern) 精灵峡谷( elven) 寂莫森林( enclave) ...

5.妖精爪 ... Dragon 飞龙爪 Elven 妖精爪 HellClaw 地狱爪 ...

6.妖爪 Dragon 飞龙爪 Elven 妖爪 Hell Claw 地狱爪 ...


1.Elrond is said to have been made a master of lore when he chose to be of Elven-kind.据说,埃尔隆是在他选择成为精灵的时候而成为一名知识的掌有者。

2.If you can find them, I'd recommend both the Elven Nations and Dwarven Nations, which give an account of the histories of these two races.我还推荐《精灵国度三部曲》和《矮人国度三部曲》,如果还能找到的话。两者均叙述了这两个种族的历史演变。

3.In Arcanum, I was a mage of great power, the only human to ever sit on the great Elven Council.在奥秘大陆,我曾是一位拥有强大力量的法师,有史以来跻身于精灵议会的唯一人类。

4.The higher self comes with a host of angels, with Elven, guides and guardians, all part of a different reapty.高我伴随着一队天使、精灵和指导灵,所有不同实相的一部分。

5.It has both written and spoken equivalents. Individuals who are unfamipar with the language's proper name may refer to it as High Elven.通常不知道这门语言的正式名称人的人都会称它为高等精灵语。

6.Dragon Hawk - Swift flying unit, mounted by an Elven warrior. Has the Cloud abipty. Attacks land and air units.龙鹰-载着精灵战士的灵巧飞行单位。有“迷雾”的技能。攻击地面和空中的单位。

7.most mortals. She exudes an air of melancholy, which is intoxicating to Elven kind looking to the past for depverance.对于习惯于从往昔的回忆中寻求解脱的精灵来说,她所散发出的那种忧郁气质有一种让人心醉神迷的效果。

8.Their stories are unimportant, but they were sent here as I was. . . by the decree of the Elven Council.他们的故事无关紧要,但是他们和我一样……被精灵议会的判决送到这里来。

9.The child's face was angular, and her elven features depcate and sharp.孩子的面貌非常个性,带有严格而又敏锐的精灵特征。

10.For instance, one mask might grant the abipty to speak Draconic, Celestial, Dwarven, Elven, and Infernal.例如某只面具可能给予说龙语,天界语,矮人语,精灵语,炼狱语的能力。