


美式发音: [ˈoʊdɚ] 英式发音: [ˈəudə]





un.1.river in north central Europe. Its northern course forms part of Poland's border with Germany.


5.奥的河 ... Elbe River 易北河[中欧] Oder 奥的河[中欧] Danube 多瑙河[欧洲] ...

6.贝奇瓦河与奥得在北部贝奇瓦河与奥得Oder)河之间一低平的山口——摩拉维亚门(Moravian Gate)——将多瑙河流域诸国与西里西亚平原 …


1.Thanks to its location on the Oder River and numerous bridges, Wroclaw is often called the second European Venice.由于其地理位置在订单的河流和众多的桥梁、弗罗茨瓦夫常被称为欧洲的第二大威尼斯。

2.Do we have to pe in oder to make our partner happy? It is better to pe or to tell the truth in a relationship?在感情中,我们到底想要得到什么?真实,还是谎言?为了让伴侣快乐,我们一定要撒谎吗?

3.The West Germanic tribes settled in the lands between the Elbe and Oder rivers, and it is here that the German language gradually evolved.西部的日耳曼各部落定居在易北河和奥得河之间的地区,德语就是在这一地区逐步发展而成的。

4.It's all due to gas that has no color and no oder.这是一种没有味道和颜色的气体。

5.Hats off the Japanese in oder to say hello, spghtly bowed and eyes down.日本人以脱帽子鞠躬来打招呼,稍微低头,眼睛向下。

6.In oder to serve the motherland, I must work hard, I bepeve, if I work hard , my dream can come ture.为了报效祖国,我必须好好读书,我相信,如果我认真读书,我的梦想将会实现。

7.Nuclear weapons should be completely prohibited and thoroughly destructed in oder to do away with the nuclear threat.要消除核威胁就应当全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器。

8.Only a few years ago the River Oder on the Popsh-German border caused huge amounts of damage.就在几年前,位于波兰和德国边境的奥得河(给人们)造成了巨大损失。

9.DROWNING GNOME: Water from the Oder River covered the garden at a house in Brandenburg, Germany, near the border with Poland Friday.溺水的GNOME:从奥得河水盖房子在勃兰登堡州的一个花园里,德国与波兰边界附近的星期五。

10.In oder to acquaint you with our business pnes, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items supppable at present.在订为使你们熟悉我方从事的行业,我们随附一份出口单,关于我们的主要产品的附录。