


网络释义:美国期货协会(National Futures Association);美国全国期货协会;有限自动机


1.美国期货协会(National Futures Association)法是:先构造带ε动作的FA,再构造与其等价的非确定有限自动机(NFA),最后 再由NFA构造与其等价的确定有限自动机(DFA)

4.纽福克斯纽福克斯(NFA) 酷宝车载冷热冰箱(7升) 8330 正品行货 ¥298.00 英才星 车载水杯 加热水杯 电热水杯 热水壶 热销精品 ¥128.0…

5.非确定性有限自动机(nondeterministic finite automaton)因为非确定性有限自动机(NFA)能成功地为正则表达式构建一个特定的扩展,从而也就能捕获子表达式(捕获组)的匹配内容和逆 …


1.As you will see, it is possible to automatically convert an NFA into a DFA.正如您将看到的,有可能自动地将NFA转换成DFA。

2.For a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA), a new input may cause the machine to be in more than one state, hence its non-determinism.对于非确定有限自动机(NFA),一个新输入可以导致机器进入多于一个状态,因此是非确定性的。

3.The NFA has now decided to suspend Obi Mikel from all international action for an indefinite period.目前尼足协决定无限期的禁止米克尔参加所有的国家队比赛。

4.However, it is possible to prove that any NFA is reducible to an equivalent DFA.不过,可以证明,任何新四军是还原相当于装配。

5.Such a table is used to implement nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA).这样的表用来实现非确定性有限自动机(NFA)。

6.Yet the NFA study commissioned by Museveni concludes that ecological and economic losses would be devastating.然而穆塞韦尼委托国家森林管理局所做的调研结论是生态和经济的损失是灾难性的。

7.Remember that the NFA is a state machine that implements the transition diagram.请记住,NFA是一个实现转换图的状态机。

8.One of the new NFA regulations, which will go into effect May 15th, will prohibit the trading practice of "hedging. "NFA将于5月15日生效的一项新法规,将禁止交易方式中的“锁单”。

9.Another change that the NFA is pkely to implement is a reduction in the maximum leverage that Forex firms can offer.NFA将即将实行的另一个新法规是减少外汇公司可提供的最高杠杆比例。

10.This address must be different from the NFA, the cluster address and the collocated server address.这个地址必须与NFA、集群地址及并置服务器地址不相同。