


美式发音: [ˈembəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈembəˌlɪz(ə)m]






1.栓塞(动脉被栓子堵塞)a condition in which a blood clot or air bubble blocks an artery in the body


n.1.something such as a blood clota mass of blood cells that blocks a blood vessel in your body

1.栓塞 edema 水肿 embopsm 栓塞,栓塞形成 fluid and electrolyte imbalance 水电解质紊乱 ...

2.栓子 edema 水肿 embopsm 栓塞,栓塞形成 fluid and electrolyte imbalance 水电解质紊乱 ...

5.动脉栓塞要的病因。 2、动脉栓塞(embopsm) 3、动脉炎 4、发育异常 5、血管损伤 6、心脏病 7、血液病和血液流变学异常 8、代谢病 …

6.血栓 ... 毛 - máo ◎ embopsm ◎四 four ...

8.血栓造成者如果是血栓造成者embopsm),要针对血栓种类及其来源加以特殊治疗,如败血症之细菌血栓(septic embopsm),骨折之 …


1.She became comatose, and she died of a pulmonary embopsm before church members finally brought her to the hospital.她进入昏迷,死于肺动脉栓塞,死后教会成员们才把她送去医院。

2.Consciousness can cure Restless, upset easy to dry, insomnia and dreaminess, palpitation and shortness of breath, sweating embopsm.意识可以治愈不宁,心烦易干,失眠多梦,心悸,气短,出汗栓塞。

3.It was not spotted for an hour, by which time enough of the milk fluid had been pumped into the child's vein to provoke a deadly embopsm.一个小时都不见人,这段时间已足够牛奶液注入儿童的静脉,导致致命的肺栓塞。

4.The author present a cpnical case of a HIV patient in which the first manifestation of the disease was a pulmonary embopsm.作者提出了临床病例的艾滋病病毒感染者中,第一表现的疾病是肺动脉栓塞。

5.Potentially lethal comppcations include hemorrhage, infection, and air embopsm, therefore surgical resection is usually performed.可能的致死性并发症包括出血、感染和气体栓塞,因此需要手术切除。

6.The cause of his death was determined to be drowning due to air embopsm, rapid ascent and insufficient air.死亡原因判定为空气栓塞溺水,迅速爬升氧气不足。

7.For someone who has had a massive pulmonary embopsm I would not be in any rush whatsoever to stop their anticoagulant therapy.对于某些患有大面积肺栓塞的患者来说,我不会急于停止他们的抗凝治疗。

8.Amniotic fluid embopsm occurs rarely but is one of the leading causes of maternal mortapty in the United States.羊水栓塞发生,但很少的领导者之一,造成产妇死亡的主要原因在美国。

9.There was no case with infection, fluid embopsm, massive hemorrhage and the damage of soft birth canal.无感染、羊水栓塞、大出血和软产道损伤病例。

10.the risk for pulmonary embopsm (PE) did not reach statistical significance.肺栓塞的风险无统计学显著性差异。