


美式发音: [ˈemɪˌseri] 英式发音: [ˈemɪsəri]




复数:emissaries  同义词




1.特使;密使a person who is sent to depver an official message, especially from one country to another, or to perform a special task



n.1.someone who does a job for a government or a leader, especially someone who depvers a message for them

1.使者 emissive a 发出的,放射的(e出+ emissary n 使者,密使(e出+ omission n 省略(o出+ ...

2.密使 emissive a 发出的,放射的(e出+ emissary n 使者,密使(e出+ omission n 省略(o出+ ...

3.特使 vers 转…反转…对手) emissary n 特使(e出+ veter 老,旧_成为老东西) ...

4.间谍 emigrate 移居;移居外国 emissary 使者;间谍;密使 emit 发出,放射;发行;发表 ...

5.密使,特使 ... 175. emigration: 【总称】移民。 176. emissary: 密使,特使。 177. encomiast: 赞扬 …

6.导静脉 ... occipital a. & v. 枕动静脉 emissary v. 导静脉 condylar 髁突 ...

7.密使的 ['emisәri] 密使, 间谍, 使者 emissary 密使的 emissary 密使 ...

8.排水道 美国传统词典 em.is.sar.y n.排水道,分水道,支流 emissary n.排水道,分水道 emissary ...


1.I can be an emissary to tell them that China has great people, a good environment and many young people are working for a good future.我可以做一名使者,告诉他们中国有了不起的人民,有很好的环境,还有许多年轻人正在为美好的未来而拼搏。

2.The U. S. Treasury chose World Bank economist David Dollar as economic emissary to China despite sharp criticism of his economic research.国财政部选择世界银行经济学家杜大伟(DavidDollar)担任美国对华经济特使,尽管外界对杜大伟的经济研究存在尖锐批评。

3.Does anyone remember that baby cry out in 1993, Since then, leisure romantic Zhuhai more of a cultural emissary - Mandarin Bookstore.曾记否,一九九三年一声婴啼,从此,闲情逸致的浪漫珠海多了一名文化的使者—文华书城。

4.Captain: I apologize, emissary, but the prince is away on an errand. What brings you to this desolate place?卫队队长:有失远迎,使者大人,但王子殿下还有些公事没回来。是什么风把您吹到这片荒芜阴冷的地方来的?

5.Silver briefly agreed; and this emissary retired again, leaving us together in the dark.希尔弗立刻就同意了,于是这个使者又退了出去,将我们俩留在黑暗中。

6.In Sinsiang, an emissary from General Liu Po-cheng and also two delegates of the Communist party came to see Kao.在新乡的时候,刘伯承的密使和共产党的两位代表访问了高。

7.My young emissary of the Poor People's League decided to deposit me here.我的那位贫民会的年转向导,决定把我安顿在这里。

8.This filled snowflakes, as the sky is the Toolbar, is an emissary sent by God.这漫天的雪花,就像是天空中的小精灵,是上帝派来的使者。

9.Canton real estate enterprises and related enterprises of the building, people sniff out "new emissary Northern Expedition" flavor.广东房地产企业的布局和家电企业的造势,让人嗅出“新粤军北伐”的味道。

10.The data demonstrated that the tunica albuginea has a strong restrictive abipty to emissary veins.结果显示:白膜具有强大的限制导静脉的能力。