


美式发音: [ɪˈmoʊtɪv] 英式发音: [ɪˈməʊtɪv]




Adj.+n.emotive language




1.激起感情的;有感染力的;激动人心的causing people to feel strong emotions

emotive language/words有感染力的语言╱话语

Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue .死刑是极易引起激烈争论的问题。


adj.1.causing strong feepngs

1.感情的 emotionally adv. 事情上 emotive adj. 使感动的, 感情的, 动感情的 emotion n. (抽象的)感 …

2.引起情绪反应的 feepng n. 某时的内心感受 emotive adj. 引起情绪反应的 take interest in 对......感兴趣 ...

3.动感情的 emotionally adv. 事情上 emotive adj. 使感动的, 感情的, 动感情的 emotion n. (抽象的)感 …

4.情绪的 emotionfocused coping 情绪取向因应方式 emotive 情绪的 emotivity 感触性 ...

5.情感功能(referential);侧重于说话者,就强 调情感功能(emotive);侧重于受话者,就突出意动功能(conative );侧重于接 触,交际功能(pha…

6.感人的 nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡 emotive 感人的 prodigious 巨大的 ...


1.The lanugage also need to be simple, vivid and rich in emotive as well as easy to read.广告用词应简洁、生动、形象,并且富感情色彩和感染力,又要读起来上口。

2.The discovery of this formula and of the general principles upon which it is based has, of course, no emotive value.当然,这个(新发现的)公式和其背后的那些普遍规律并不包含研究者的政治态度。

3.And while tax efficiency often dictates much of the process, advisers say addressing the emotive aspects can be just as important.尽管遗产规划通常主要由税收效果支配,但顾问们表示,解决感情方面的问题可能同样重要。

4.The issue also touched on an unusually emotive subject at a time of rising Sino-US trade tensions.在中美贸易关系愈发紧张的时候,这个问题也触及了不同寻常的敏感话题。

5.For the first couple of years after Elvis returned to the stage, " In The Ghetto " was an emotive pve favorite.对于的最初几年后,猫王在贫民窟中,返回到舞台是一个感性的生活最喜欢的。

6."It does not have the direct visual or emotive impact of seeing seabirds covered in oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, " he said.“这绝对没有亲眼看到海鸟身上沾满了从埃克森瓦尔迪兹号油轮泄漏出来的石油那样直观和震撼”他说。

7.Losers end up in emotive outbursts, waiting for SFC to come and deal with.失败者的青筋暴突,哭爹骂娘,痴痴地等待证监会来处理。

8.This picture, of Central Park's Great Lawn, was an emotive moment of reflection taken just weeks before I graduated.这张相片是在中央公园的大草地拍得,是我毕业前几周的真情流露。

9.I what pressure of working study emotive presses am suffocative come, want to ask me true need sees psychological doctor?工作学习感情的压力压的我喘不过气来,想问下我是不是真的需要去看心理医生?。

10.To be a talented detective, a latter-day Columbo keeps poking around, but focuses on the sensory-emotive connection instead.要成为一个优秀的侦探,一个后者天钶保持撬拨左右,但侧重于感官情绪方面代替。