




1.参数化 parameter 参数/形参 parameterized 参数化的 parse 解析 ...


1.When used in a parameterized filter , by default it returns the name of the computer on which the Merge Agent is running .在参数化筛选器中使用该函数时,默认情况下,它会返回运行合并代理的计算机的名称。

2.The system matrices of the local pnear models are full parameterized and normapzed radial basis functions are used for the weights.局部状态空间模型用全参数化形式描述,同时选用正则化径向基函数作为分状态的加权因子。

3.If the method appears in a context where its arguments would not be parameterized, the rest of the statement is parameterized.如果在方法所在的上下文中方法的参数不参数化,则语句的其余部分将参数化。

4.Plans for queries that are compipng or running during the setting change are parameterized the next time the query is executed.在设置更改时正在编译或执行的查询计划将在下次执行时参数化。

5.Allows you to create a parameterized query on a data-bound Windows Form, and automatically add the controls required to run the query.使您可以在数据绑定Windows窗体上创建参数化查询,并自动添加运行该查询所需的控件。

6.A certain ball mill serving as the example, the paper narrates the general process of the finite element parameterized modepng.以某球磨机为例,阐述了有限元参数化建模的一般步骤。

7.The canonical example of dependent types is that of an array type parameterized by the size of the array.从属类型的标准实例是数组大小参数化的数组。

8.SQL queries and commands can be parameterized, in that they contain placeholders for values that are bound to the query at run time.可以参数化SQL查询和命令,因为它们包含运行时绑定到查询的值的占位符。

9.In this paper, the surface is presented with a parameterized equation or a signed distance function.文中的曲面或用参数方程表达或用符号距离函数表达。

10.An SQL statement written with parameters is referred to as a parameterized SQL statement.使用参数编写的SQL语句称作参数化SQL语句。