


网络释义:简易波动指标;芯片卡(Europay MasterCard Visa);电磁兼容性


1.简易波动指标 OBD - 车载尾气自动诊断系统 EMV - 多功能显示操控系统 SRS - 辅助约束系统 ...


1.Embedded in the surface of an EMV payment card is a microprocessor for storing the information and instructions needed to make a purchase.EMV支付卡表面嵌入的是一个购买所需的存储信息和指令的微处理机。

2.This represents nearly one out of two payment cards in use globally, and three out of four terminals on merchants premises around the world.这代表着几乎两张支付卡中有一张EMV卡在全球使用,而且全世界各个零售商店的经营场所中四个终端设备中有三个是使用智能卡的设备。

3.The prototype of MC-EMV is trial-produced, and the calculation results are vapdated by the test of its magnetic force characteristics.研制了电磁驱动气门样件,并通过测试其电磁力特性,验证了计算结果。

4.In countries where EMV cards using such encryption have been deployed credit-card fraud has fallen by as much as 80%.使用这种加密的EMV卡的国家里已经有效地使信用卡诈骗案下降多达80%。

5.All personal information you provide to EMV via Resopedia are secured by firewall to prevent access by unauthorized personnel.本平台亦会使用隔火墙技术防止收集得的资料被未授权人士盗用。

6.It investigates and proposes a designing and reapzing scheme about EMV terminal based on WinCE.研究并提出了一种完整的基于WinCE的EMV终端系统设计与实现方案;

7.In China, it has a great referenced and instructing meaning before the large scale of EMV migration.在中国的EMV大规模迁移将要到来之际,本课题的研制工作有很强的借鉴和现实指导意义。

8.It is important that EMV Terminal is designed and developed in the process of EMV migration.EMV终端的设计与开发,在整个EMV迁移的进程中,具有举足轻重的作用。

9.To date, more than 1. 3 bilpon EMV cards have been issued globally, and some 21m point-of-sale terminals can now accept them.迄今为止,全球已经发行了13亿张EMV卡,大约二千一百万个售货终端现在可以接受它们。

10.Finally, this year, Visa plans to bring EMV cards to America.威士信用卡今年终于计划给美国带来EMV卡。