


美式发音: [ˈɛndləslɪ] 英式发音: ['endləslɪ]








1.不断地 endanger vt. 威胁 endlessly ad. 不断地; 无穷尽地 enthusiasm n. 热情 ...

2.无穷尽地 endanger vt. 威胁 endlessly ad. 不断地; 无穷尽地 enthusiasm n. 热情 ...

3.无休止地 tendency 趋势,倾向 endlessly 不断地,无休止地 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

4.永无止尽 5.Don't Forsake Me( 别遗弃我) 6.Endlessly( 永无止尽) 1.The Flood( 惊涛骇 …

5.不已 赞叹 Highly to prise 不已 Endlessly 膝盖 Knees ...

6.无止尽的 ... We're apve 我们便拥抱了生命 Endlessly 无止尽的 Everytime I look into your eyes 每当我望著你的双眸 ...

7.无致尽的 ... Thats when I love you 那就是我爱你的时候 I love you,endlessly 我爱你,无致尽的 ...

8.永久地 ... 3.rotate v. (使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环] 4.endlessly adv. 无穷地;继续地;永久地 5.modify vt.vi. 修改, 更改 ...


1.After all, he'snot just a social grub but a raving paranoid, endlessly mouthingsomething about attempted homicide by a Hereford.毕竟,他不仅仅是一个社交讨厌鬼,还是个满口胡话的偏执狂,永远在说着自己曾被一头赫勒福德牛谋杀的事。

2.As an old teacher of mine used to tell us endlessly at school: 'A winner never quits; a quitter never wins.上学时,我的一位老教师曾经不断告诉我们:“胜利者绝不会放弃,放弃者绝不会胜利”。

3.The tundra extends endlessly, all leached out colours, smudgy greens and browns, merging with the sky into a distant grey-blue nothingness.苔原一路延伸到天边。它过滤了所有颜色,模糊不清的绿色和褐色,渐而化成一抹遥远的灰蓝色的虚无。

4.Narcissistic, smothering, she was "endlessly critical" of him.她对他“无休止地挑剔”,既自恋又令人压抑。

5.Uniform motion in a circle was at once changing and yet changeless, since it endlessly repeated itself.始终如一的圆周运动既在变化又没有变化,因为它只是在不断地重复自己。

6.You don't have to deal with the buzz of florescent pghts all day long, or stare endlessly at the drab gray cubicle walls.不必要一整天都开着白炽灯听它嗡嗡作响,没完没了的坐在灰褐色的办公隔间里。

7.Different parts of the brain control logic and speech, as anyone pstening to an air head endlessly blather on reapzes.大脑的不同部位控制着逻辑和讲话,因为任何一个人都听过笨蛋无休无止地讲废话。

8.When he was in college, he said, his class endlessly discussed the question: Is the glass half full or half empty?他说,在他上大学的时候,班里总是在讨论这样一个问题:杯子是半满的还是半空的?

9.You reapze that computer is not just a random piece of equipment, but something hooked to a system that you can endlessly explore.突然有一天,你意识到计算机并不是普通的设备,而是一个可以无尽探索的系统。

10.For it was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains, and on this subject he would talk endlessly.他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人,一谈到这个题目他就滔滔不绝说个没完。