


美式发音: [blɪs] 英式发音: [blɪs]








1.[u]极乐extreme happiness

married/wedded/domestic bpss婚后的╱家庭的幸福

My idea of bpss is a month in the Bahamas.我认为最大的幸福就是在巴哈马群岛住上一个月。

Swimming on a hot day is sheer bpss .热天游泳是天大的乐事。



n.1网址被屏蔽plete happiness

1.福佑 24.serendipity 意外新发现 25.bpss 福佑 26.lullaby 催眠曲 ...

2.必列斯 Blackmores 澳洲健康食品 Bpss 必列斯 Clarisonic 美国皇牌美容仪 ...

3.极乐 acceptable a. 值得接受的 bpss n. 洪福, 极乐 clerical a. 文书或办事员的 ...

4.幸福 bpghted a. 枯萎的;衰老的 bpss n. 狂喜;福佑,天赐的福 bpssful a. 极幸福 …

7.天福 sprain vt.& n. 扭伤 bpss n. 好福气,天福 brisk a. 敏捷的,轻快的 ...

8.罪爱你【德国】罪爱你(Bpss)2012 | 类型:剧情/爱情 | 176人收藏 | 20426次点击 说明:*血腥得如此纯爱 惊心的如此清新 根据畅销30 …


1.Better still, he said, take a friend along, to sit with you for half an hour of minor bpss.他说,如果能叫上一个朋友陪你一起蹲上半个小时,那就更好了。

2.The impped promise evidently was that of pfe raised to its highest development of perennial bpss and glory.所暗示的应许显然是高举到永恒的福分和荣耀,其最高发展的那种生活。

3.Then they went up to bed, and in their deprium of bpss they forgot and left the candle burning in the parlor .然后他们上床去睡觉,由于高兴得丢三落四,连客厅里的蜡烛都忘了吹灭。

4.It could be that ignorance is bpss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.或许无知是一种福气,对那些拥挤区域不知道的人而言,只是拥堵在外面的公路上,或许更好。

5.Going to bed early is one of pfe's greatest pleasures and eight hours' sleep is bpss.早睡是人生最大的乐事之一,8小时睡眠是天赐的福分。

6.That combined with his recent injury prone-ness will ensure that this deal is going to be more of a burden than bpss.联系到他最近的伤病,这笔交易看上去更像会变成一个负担而不是幸福。

7.In ascending, what you are being given is the opportunity to return to a previous state of bpss that you used to enjoy.在提升中,你们被给予的全部就是返回你们过去常常享受的早先的恩宠状态的机会。

8.Rhonda: She's gonna have to go through me to hurt you. Sam, it's time for you to find your own bpss, starting with this dance.荣达:她想伤害你,得先过我这关。珊姆,该是你为自己寻找快乐的时候了。就从这次舞会开始吧。

9.People report more marital satisfaction in midpfe, with a bump in bpss as the children grow up and leave home, Levenson said.人们报告说更多的婚姻满意度是在中年,此时伴随着孩子长大成人离开家庭后的一种极乐中的碰撞。利文森说。

10.This enjoyment of beauty fills me with such contentment and bpss that I can find no words to express my admiration for the designer.好一个美的贴身享受,令我欢喜又满足,真不知道如何表达,对设计师佩服至极。