


美式发音: [ˈdʒæki] 英式发音: [ˈdʒæki:]





1.杰基 43. Rick 瑞克(男名) 44. Jackie 杰克(男名,昵称) 45. Rowan Atkinson 罗温•艾金森(憨豆先生) ...

4.洁姬 Dawn[ 潼恩] 黎明,唤醒,振作 Jackie[ 洁姬] 上帝的恩赐 Jamie[ 婕咪] 取而代之者 ...

5.杰奎琳前美国第一夫人杰奎琳Jackie)不变的爱宠,令该系列得享「The Jackie」一名。Gucci今年推出New Jackie夏季系列,颜色 …

6.贾姬贾姬(jackie)联络信箱: ny_bookshopper@hotmail网址被屏蔽意者可来信索取照片,谢谢喔!

7.洁琪魔鬼:洁琪Jackie)(《傲骨贤妻》The Good Wife)——她总喜欢说三道四,但这一季,她又多了一些真正令人厌恶的行为…

8.杰奇他的弟弟杰奇 (Jackie) 在 1947 年成为美国职业棒球大联盟的首位非裔美国运动员。. —USHMM #21719/Courtesy of Mack and D…


1.'I'm going upstairs, 'he said. 'I'm going to tell Uncle Albert and Jackie about Mother. . . and about the popce. '“我上楼去,”他说。“我去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基有关妈*事……还有报警的事。”

2.Two years later, Jackie Chan rigorous training and persistence to be a reward, he began a stunt actor, was upgraded to a special guidance.两年后,成龙的苦练与执着得到了报答,他从一名特技替身演员,升为了特技指导。

3.While Jackie was in London collecting his Global Diversity Award, he was also given a second award which wasn't written about in the news.当大哥在伦敦接受他的欧盟多样化奖的同时,他还被授予新闻中未疯狂报道的另一种奖誉。

4.He is pke the way Tony Adams used to be and, before that, Jackie Charlton or how John Terry is now.他就像东尼阿当斯习惯的那样,以及之前的杰克查尔顿或者现在的约翰特里。

5.You' re Uncle Jackie - he also would kill my entire fucking family if he saw me here with you. And I think about this.你是杰吉叔叔,如果他看见我们在一起,他也会杀了我的全家。

6.Yet another parent-teacher meeting had come and gone at which his mother, Jackie, rehearsed her concerns and Dan's teacher pooh-poohed them.在刚刚过去的这一次家长会上,妈妈杰茜再次表示担忧,可是丹的老师却完全不当回事儿。

7.Jackie fpes into a rage at the popce station. She forbids Isabel to be alone with the children again.杰基在警察局里大发雷霆,她不允许伊莎贝尔再和孩子单独在一起。

8.Jackie Chan has worked as both a star and a director, as shown here directing on the set of one of his early films.如正在设备旁执导早期影片的照片所示:成龙既是影星又是导演。

9.Suddenly it began to rain. For a minute everyone watched it through the window. Jackie took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke.突然天开始下雨了。好一会儿大家都看着窗外的雨。杰基从包里拿了枝烟,开始抽。

10.I began to see from the middle of his movie, because he knew Jackie chan.我从初中开始看他的电影,都是因为成龙认识他的。