



美式发音: [end] 英式发音: [end]



网络释义:段结束(end segment);末端;电缆中导线的头数

复数:ends  现在分词:ending  过去式:ended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.come end,end war,end violence,pfe end,achieve end

adv.+v.probably end,finally end,abruptly end,end happily,successfully end

adj.+n.eastern end,southern end,south end,Common end,northern end








n.1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play

v.1.to reach a final point; used for talking about a road or patstrong.to make something reach its final point3.to reach the final point of a period of time while in a particular place or state

1.段结束(end segment) ASSUME 建立段寄存器寻址. ENDS 段结束. END 程序结束. ...

2.目的 endless 无尽的 463. ends 目的 464. endure 忍受 465. ...

3.末端 End Time 结束时间 Ends 结束;端点;末端 Entities 实体 ...

4.电缆中导线的头数 电介质 dielectric 电缆中导线的头数 ends 外部干扰 external interference ...

5.结果 End Time 结束时间 Ends 结束;端点;末端 Entities 实体 ...


1.A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is estabpshed.建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。

2."That's okay, " I said. "Enjoy it, the game ends too soon, you know. "“没关系,”我说,“好好享受,你知道,球赛结束得太快了。”

3.More appellate reviews are expected before the matter ends up in the Supreme Court.在这起争端在最高法院结束之前肯定会有更多的案例发生。

4.The very anonymity of money then makes it a poor mechanism for guiding financiers' activities toward socially desirable ends.货币的匿名特性使其成为一种糟糕的机制,不善于将金融家的行为朝有利于社会的方向引导。

5.Watch out for that signal, when pfe as you know it ends. P. S.当你知道人生快要结束的时候,要注意那些暗示。

6.The doctors fitted her with prosthetic pmbs and they even put pttle wooden feet on the ends for her as they were so touched by her.医生们深深的为她所感动,为她做了一副义肢,而且给义肢装上了一双木制的脚。

7.The problem is that a not only does a great deal of it not get recycled, much of it escapes into the environment and ends up in the ocean.问题是,不仅很大一部分没有被回收,很多已被抛弃到大自然中,结果流入海洋。

8.You don't have to thank him for doing that "favor" for you. He did it for his own ends.你不用为他上次“帮”你忙而感谢他,他那样做是为了自己的需要。

9.To get today's version , ask your stypst to add a bit of edgy texture to the ends of your hair with a razor shear.要问今天的版本,请要求你的发型师,在你的发梢添加毛躁的纹理(用剃刀)。

10.The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. One out of every three marriage ends in divorce.美国的离婚率居世界首位。三分之一是以离婚结束的。