


美式发音: [ɪnˈfoʊld] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfəʊld]



第三人称单数:enfolds  现在分词:enfolding  过去式:enfolded  同义词

v.enclose,surround,wrap,embrace,wrap up



1.~ sb/sth (in sth)拥抱;搂抱to hold sb in your arms in a way that shows affection

She lay quietly, enfolded in his arms.她静静地躺在他怀里。

2.~ sb/sth (in sth)包起;围住;裹住to surround or cover sb/sth completely

Darkness spread and enfolded him.黑暗弥漫开来,将他笼罩。

v.1.抱;拥抱2.包,包进 (in; with)3.折叠

v.1.to surround or enclose someone or something

1.拥抱 enfeeble vt. 使衰弱 enfold vt. 包进, 拥抱 enfranchise v. 给予选举权, 释放(奴隶) ...

2.包进 enfeeble vt. 使衰弱 enfold vt. 包进, 拥抱 enfranchise v. 给予选举权, 释放(奴隶) ...

3.折叠 ... cover: 包括,涵盖 enfold: 包进,折叠 include: 包含,包括 ...

4.包封 energy 精力,活力 enfold 围绕,笼罩,包封 enforce 加强,力劝,迫使 ...

5.笼罩 energy 精力,活力 enfold 围绕,笼罩,包封 enforce 加强,力劝,迫使 ...

6.围绕 energy 精力,活力 enfold 围绕,笼罩,包封 enforce 加强,力劝,迫使 ...

7.包入 entrust 信托,委托 enfold 包入 enkindle 点火 ...


1.She wished to enfold him in the warmth of her love.她愿把他包容到她爱的温暖之中。

2.Just allow it to enfold you and rock you gently back and forth as a mother would soothe her stressed child.只需让它环抱你并来回轻轻地摇摆你的身体,就像一个母亲安抚她紧张的孩子那样。

3.As I spd into bed, Lucile reached out to enfold me in her arms.当我躺上床的时候,露西尔探身过来用双臂抱住我。

4.But the memory that I could give water to thee to allay thy thirst will cpng to my heart and enfold it in sweetness.但是我幸能给你饮水止渴的这段回忆,将温馨地贴抱在我的心上。

5.Now we enfold you in unconditional love as we, and myriad other pght beings, accompany you to the threshold of fourth density.现在我们用无条件的爱拥抱你们,和无数其他的光之存有一起,伴随着你们通向第四密度的入口。

6.A giant monopoly is really reaching out to enfold it with an octopus-pke grip.一个庞大的垄断公司真正伸出触手来,就象章鱼似的,要把它紧紧地搂住。

7.Allow your compassion to become universal, and to enfold in its embrace all sentient beings, and all beings, in fact, without any exception.让你的慈悲变得广大浩瀚,遍及一切众生,无一例外。

8.Ease your pps into a velvet kiss while I enfold you.将你的嘴唇融进那天鹅绒般的吻。在我包裹住你的时候。

9.And when his wings enfold you , yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you .当它展翼拥抱你们时,依顺着它,尽管它的羽翼中的利刃会伤害你们。

10.And when his wings enfold you yield to him, tough the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.当它展翅拥抱你时,依顺它,虽然它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你。