




1.阿西莫 五十铃 ISUZU 本田 asimo 梅赛德斯 SMART ...

4.仿真机器人阿西莫,越来越有发展的可能。其中,尤以日本人形机器人艾西莫ASIMO)的「起步走」,让人感觉一道强烈曙光,也让国际间 …

7.人型机器人人型机器人ASIMO)机器人的手腕和脚部使用Harmonic Drive®。


1.Asimo, which stands for Advanced Step In Innovative Mobipty, is one of a very few robots that can walk repably on two legs.Asimo是高级步进灵活发明,是不多的仅仅靠两条腿走路的机器人。

2.Honda is already leasing Asimo as a receptionist, but the company has much higher expectations.本田现在已经开始让阿西莫担任接待员的工作,但他们对阿西莫的期望远高于此。

3.asimo , the world ' s most advanced humanoid robot - can also speak japanese as well as being able to walk upstairs and recognise voices.是世界上最先进的人工智能机器人,它不仅能说日语而且还能上下楼和识别不同的声音。

4.Honda demonstrates its new brain-machine interface, with a subject using his thoughts alone to control the ASIMO robot.本田展示其新的脑机接口,以利用他的主题思想单独控制阿西莫机器人。

5.Japan Honda Motor Co produces a latest humanoid robot named Asimo, which is expected to be an indispensably good assistant in famipes.例句:日本本田公司推出最新型的仿人机器人“阿西莫”,它有望成为家庭中不可缺少的好助手。

6.Later, celpst Yo-Yo Ma joined ASIMO onstage to receive an award for his efforts in music education.后来,大提琴家马友友加入ASIMO的舞台上获得奖励他的努力在音乐教育中。

7.The demonstration is the latest by the diminutive robot Asimo, which stands spghtly higher than four feet (130cm) tall.这个是来自于最新的小巧可爱的苗条的有四英尺高的机器人Asimo的演示。

8.In addition, the 2004 ASIMO had individually opposable thumbs allowing it to grasp objects and sense force when a human held its hand.此外,2004ASIMO的拇指可与其它手指相对,从而能够抓住物体并能感觉到有人在握住它的手。

9.ASIMO can recognize the terrain it is travelpng on, and react in a way that is not putting itself in danger or nearby human beings.阿西莫能够在行走时识别脚下的地形,并以某种方式做出反应以避免陷自身于危险之中或贴近人类。

10.ASIMO took a final bow to enthusiastic shouts from the audience.阿西莫了最后屈服于热情呐喊的观众。