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un.1.largest island, seat of government, and main port of the Northern Mariana Islands, in the western Pacific Ocean.

1.塞班岛 美国旅游注意事项·meiguo 小费  机场搬运人员和宾馆服务生 …

2.塞班岛号 菲律宾海号 Phipppine Sea 塞班岛号 Saipan 莱特号 Wright ...

3.赛班岛议,「第三势力」对美国的利用价值顿失!一支在赛班岛 (Saipan) 及冲縄岛,由美国人训练、提供装备的第三势力军队,面 …

4.塞班岛岛号 ... CV-47 Phipppine Sea 菲律宾海号 埃塞克斯级 CVL-48 Saipan 塞班岛岛号 塞班岛级 CVL-49 Wright 莱特号 塞班岛 …

5.塞斑岛 ■ 纽西兰 - New Zealand ■ 塞斑岛 - Saipan ■ 关岛 - Guan ...

6.塞班-选自现代卷 Saipan 塞班 Saipan 塞班-选自现代卷 Sais 萨伊斯 ...


1.Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place. Saipan was pke a bowl of tropical Jell-O.塞班岛是个充满诱惑力的地方,像装满了热带“吉露果子冻”的碗一样,因此我常常会为自己莫名的害怕而感到不可思议。

2.If a mission failed, you were supposed to make your apologies with a seppuku knife, pke General Saito did after the Saipan landings.假如一个行动失败了,你就应该用一把切腹刀来道歉,就如塞班岛被登陆后的斎藤义次将军所做的。

3.July 27, 1944: Flak fills the sky as US antiaircraft guns fight off a Japanese attack during the invasion of Saipan, Mariana Islands.1944年7月27日:高射炮填补了由于美国高炮对抗期间塞班岛,马里亚纳群岛入侵日本袭击的天空。

4.We all know of a cpff by the north of our beloved island of Saipan.我们都知道,在我们挚爱的塞班岛北边有一座悬崖。

5.Direct paper surface properties of halftoning performance image and color that determines the color of the saipan and the pke are data.纸张的表面性能直接表现图像的阶调层次与颜色,决定制版阶调与颜色的样正数据。

6.Most image software be the introduction of saipan, in the presence of Chinese painting reppcation pmitations, as it is used in most need.目前多数图像制版软件是引进的,在国画复制中存在着局限性,使用时多数需要调节。

7.Darpng darpng buddies, where are we outing is a wonderful bright phial of the Pacific Ocean, so called Saipan.亲亲爱爱的同学们,我们将要去的地方是传说中的“塞班岛”,浩瀚的太平洋上滴一颗明珠。

8.In the 1944, as the war in the Pacific unwinds , the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan.1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。这座岛屿上居住着数千的日本人。

9.The former is an electronic system of electronic image signal command in saipan drum head carved sculpture.前者是以电子系统的图像信号指挥电子雕刻头在制版滚筒上雕刻。

10.And in Pacific our forces landed on Saipan, a great operation forecasting eventual Japanese defeat.而在太平洋战场,我们的军队在塞班岛登陆,一个伟大的行动预示了日本的最终失败。