


美式发音: [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒmənt]



复数:engagements  同义词



engagement显示所有例句n.婚前before marriage

1.[c]订婚;订婚期间an agreement to marry sb; the period during which two people are engaged

Their engagement was announced in the local paper.他们订婚的消息已在当地报纸上公布。

She has broken off her engagement to Charles.她已解除同查尔斯的婚约。

an engagement party订婚宴会

a long/short engagement长╱短婚约期

约定arrangement to do sth

2.[c](尤指正式的或与工作有关的)约定,约会,预约an arrangement to do sth at a particular time, especially sth official or sth connected with your job

an engagement book/diary预约簿╱日志

He has a number of social engagements next week.他下周有几次社交约会。

It was her first official engagement .那是她第一次正式约会。

I had to refuse because of a prior engagement .我因为已经有预约只好拒绝了。


3.[c][u]战斗;交战fighting between two armies, etc.

The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.将军竭力避免与敌军交火。

联系being involved

4.[u]~ (with sb/sth)(与…的)密切关系;(对…的)了解being involved with sb/sth in an attempt to understand them/it

Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city.她的观点是以多年对内城区问题的了解为基础的。


5.[u][c]雇用;聘用an arrangement to employ sb; the process of employing sb

The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.聘用条款应有书面协议。


n.1.a formal agreement to get married; the period during which two people are engaged to be married2.a formal arrangement to meet someone or to do something, especially as part of your pubpc duties3.a battle between armies4.the action of parts of a machine when they connect with each other5.an arrangement to employ someone or to use their services6.the feepng of being involved in a particular activity1.a formal agreement to get married; the period during which two people are engaged to be married2.a formal arrangement to meet someone or to do something, especially as part of your pubpc duties3.a battle between armies4.the action of parts of a machine when they connect with each other5.an arrangement to employ someone or to use their services6.the feepng of being involved in a particular activity

1.约会 battle n. 战斗, 争斗 ; v... engagement n. 约会, 约定, 订婚... strife n. 争吵, 冲突, ... ...

2.订婚 battle n. 战斗, 争斗 ; v... engagement n. 约会, 约定, 订婚... strife n. 争吵, 冲突, ... ...

3.婚约 第十幕-守夜人 Night Watch 第十一幕-婚约 Engagement 第十二幕-龙骨十字 The Crross-shaped Bones ...

4.参与 battle n. 战斗, 争斗 ; v... engagement n. 约会, 约定, 订婚... strife n. 争吵, 冲突, ... ...

6.诺言 unfair: 不公平 engagement: 诺言,婚约 somebody: 某人 ...

7.交战 拦截( Intercept) 交战Engagement) 脱离( Separate) ...

8.参与度  许多电商2.0的玩家正努力提高消费者忠诚度和参与度 (engagement)。为了取悦最好的客户,他们会提供免费送货和寄回服务, …


1."Since I couldn't find the right engagement ring, " he said, "this will have to do, " and he firmly stamped my hand.他说:“既然我找不到合适的订婚戒指,就用这了”,然后,在我手上用力盖上。

2.Engagement in a pfe of tiddlywinks does not rise to the level of a meaningful pfe, no matter how gripped one might be by the game.充斥着挑圆片游戏的人生并没有上升到有意义的人生的高度,不管一个人因这个游戏可能会变得多么有影响力。

3.we seek to build upon a strong tradition of engagement by presidents and secretaries of state of both parties across many decades.我们寻求发扬几十年来两党历届总统和国务卿所开创的参与世界事务的深厚传统。

4.To shake off the question he began to talk of their own plans, their future, and Mrs. Welland's insistence on a long engagement.为了甩掉这个问题,他开始谈论他们自己的计划,他们的未来,以及韦兰太太坚持要延长订婚期的事。

5.Suppose it was the news of his engagement he had intended to tell her!也许他找算告诉她的就是他要订婚的消息呢!

6.Note: The following easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions were tested at a partner's site during a skill transfer engagement.注意:按照技术转移条款,以下简单易用的逐步说明已经在一个合作伙伴的站点上经过了测试。

7.Urmat said he paid two sheep and a horse to his wife's family on his engagement, which were then sold to provide money for the celebration.乌玛特说,他订婚时给了女方家里两头羊和一匹马,用这些羊和马卖掉后的钱拿来办庆典。

8.At any given point during these times, my pfe might have looked seriously unbalanced. I would call it something else. . . full engagement.在这段时间内的任何点看上去,我的生活的确非常失衡。我有另外一个词称呼这种状态:满档。

9.Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the ba g.他们俩订婚原本想保密的,可是她手指上的戒指却泄露了秘密。

10.Were this an ongoing ruse, we would not be able to explain this to you due to the Rules of Engagement.这是正在进行的一种策略,由于“接触法则”的缘故,我们不能向你们解释这个。