


美式发音: [ˈdʒækˌæs] 英式发音: [ˈdʒækæs]






1.蠢人;笨蛋;傻瓜a stupid person

Careful, you jackass!小心点,你这笨蛋!


n.1.an insulting word for a stupid person2.a male donkey or wild ass

1.蠢蛋搞怪秀 jackal 狐狼,帮凶,走狗 jackass 公驴,愚蠢的人,傻瓜 jackdaw 寒鸦 ...

3.蠢货 stick my foot right up your ass 踢你的屁股,揍你。 jackass 蠢货 pants 裤子 ...

4.傻瓜 jackal 狐狼,帮凶,走狗 jackass 公驴,愚蠢的人,傻瓜 jackdaw 寒鸦 ...

5.死蠢斗一番 (I suck cunts, 呃,吃女人那个改叫什麽,反正就是吃女人那个) (jackass混蛋) (jackpot, …

7.蠢驴 ... idiot 白痴 jackass 蠢驴 killer 杀人魔 ...


1.Entreat him in jackass fashion; if he won't carry the sack, give him a whack.恳求他像蠢驴一样时尚,如果他不带麻布袋,给他一拳。

2.A tiger in bed, a mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage and a jackass to pay for it all.一只老虎在床上,一只貂在衣柜里,一只豹在车库里,还有一只会为所有这些付账的蠢驴。

3.I don't know why Alan is often making a jackass of himself.我真不明白为什么阿兰总是做一些蠢事。

4.Being president is pke being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it. -----Lyndon Johnson.做总统就像下冰雹时的一头公驴,站在那儿承受它吧,别无它法。----林顿。约翰逊。

5.Look at this clown Just because he's got a bigger boat he thinks he can take up the whole river. Get out of the way jackass.看看这笨蛋!就因为他得到了一条大一点的船他就以为他能占据整条河。别挡路,你这只蠢驴。

6.I sound pke a jackass if I say you're all four, which obviously you are, especially sexy.尽管我这么说会显得很傻,但显然你四种类型都是,尤其是性感。

7.He told me not to stand there pke a jackass and get back to work!他要我别像骗子一样站在那儿,赶快回去工作。

8.Today a man owns a jackass worth fifty dollars and he is entitled to vote; but before the next election the jackass dies.今天一个人有头公驴,价值50元,他有权投票;但驴在下次选举前死亡。

9.I explained to them that Daddy is playing a jackass in Shrek, and they really got a kick out of it.我对于他们解释说,老爸要在《史瑞克》里扮演驴子,他们全都乐坏了。

10.We don't need the comppment out of you , jackass .我们不需要你的马屁,混球。