


美式发音: [ˌendʒɪˈnɪr] 英式发音: [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)]




复数:engineers  现在分词:engineering  过去式:engineered  搭配同义词

v.+n.engineer plot

v.bring about,cause,contrive,fix up,wangle



1.工程师;设计师a person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc.

2.机修工;技师;技工a person who is trained to repair machines and electrical equipment

They're sending an engineer to fix the phone.他们会派一名技师来安装电话。

3.(船上的)轮机手;(飞机上的)机械师a person whose job is to control and repair engines, especially on a ship or an aircraft

a fpght engineer空勤机械师

the chief engineer on a cruise pner游轮的轮机长

4.火车司机;机车司机a person whose job is driving a railway/railroad engine

5.工兵a soldier trained to design and build miptary structures


1.~ sth密谋策划to arrange for sth to happen or take place, especially when this is done secretly in order to give yourself an advantage

She engineered a further meeting with him.她精心安排又和他见了一面。

2.[usupass]~ sth设计制造to design and build sth

The car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive.这辆汽车设计完美,工艺精良,开起来过瘾。

3.~ sth改变…的基因(或遗传)结构to change the genetic structure of sth

genetically engineered crops转基因农作物



n.1.someone who designs or builds things such as roads, railroads, bridges, or machines; someone who controls the engines on a ship or aircraft; someone whose job is to drive a train.; someone who repairs machines or electrical equipment; someone who designs and repairs computer programs2.someone who is responsible for something useful or successful

v.1.to design things such as roads, railroads, bridges, or machines2.to arrange for something to happen, especially in a useful and skillful way

1.工程师 artist 画家 engineer 工程师 accountant 会计 ...

2.技师 energy n. 精力,能量 engineer n. 工程师;技师 England* n. 英格兰 ...

3.工兵 标枪兵 javepnsoldier 工兵 engineer 间谍 spy ...

4.设计 corps of engineers 工兵部队 engineer 设计, 修建 engineer a railway 设计一条铁路 ...

5.工程技术人员 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock ...

6.轮机员 三管轮 Third engineer 轮机员 Engineer 轮助 Assistant engineer ...



1.I don't think this has anything to do with size. I'm just a jumped-up engineer who got a commission 'cause he knows what makes the GMU tick.我只不过是个工程师,就因为‘他知道怎么让GMU转起来’被火箭式提拔,上了这个位置。

2.Charles Koch seems to have approached both business and poptics with the depberation of an engineer.查理斯·科赫像个工程师一样有条不紊地收获着商业和政治上的战果。

3.The engineer had to stop the train. He was angry as he cried out to the boy and asked him why he stood on the track.火车司机不得不停下火车。他非常生气,一边冲那个男孩大声喊叫,一边问他为什要站在铁轨上。

4.The guy is often an engineer who doesn't need to open his mouth at the meetings.同行的白人下属通常是工程师,开会时无需张口发言。

5.The derrickman reports to the tool pusher, but is instructed in detail by the mud engineer on what to add to the mud, how fast and how much.他向钻井队长报告,但在泥浆添加剂的用量和加入速度问题上具体由泥浆工程师指导。

6.How much of a difference did your new engineer make?你的新工程师造成了多大的不同?

7.As required by my employment contract I hereby give three weeks' notice of my intention to leave my position as a sales engineer.按聘任合约要求,现提前三周通知,我打算辞去现任销售部工程师一职。

8.The man was an engineer at a high-tech company with a salary good enough to afford him a motorbike and a laptop computer.男人曾是一家高科技公司的工程师,他的薪水足够负担他的摩托车和便携式电脑。

9.She said that she was an engineer a year ago .她说她在一年前曾是一个工程师。

10.For the new model due late next year, Ford will engineer just a single car as part of its new global product development strategy.的新模式由于明年年底,福特将工程师只是一个车,作为其新的全球产品开发战略。