

engine room

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1.(船舶)机舱the part of a ship where the engines are

2.(机构的)决策部门the part of an organization where most of the important activity takes place or important decisions are made


n.1.the place on board a ship where the engines are housed

1.机舱 Wheel house 驾驶室 Engine room 机舱 Engine control room 机舱集控室 ...

2.机房 engine power 发动机功率 engine room 发动机房 engine speed 发动机转速度 ...

5.发动机舱 Engine retarder 发动机缓速装置 Engine room 发动机舱 Engine room lamp 发动机舱照明 …

6.轮机舱 main engine 主机,主发动机 engine room 轮机舱 engine performance 引擎性能 ...

7.轮机房Fore Peak Tank)位置,另外两道分设於轮机房Engine Room)的前后位置;而载客量达一百人以上的渡轮和小轮,须符 …

8.发动机室 ... engine performance 发动机性能 engine room 发动机室 engine speed 发动机转速 ...


1.Engine room all walls surface, all install on, go downstairs the flag, and with the heat preservation, the packing material pastes fully.机房所有墙面,都安装到上、下楼板层,并且用保温、密封材料贴满。

2.Two men were hurt. The fire started in the engine room and continued to burn until Saturday afternoon.两人受伤。火灾始于机房,直烧到星期六下午。

3.Advocates the auxipary engine room cloth incantation power unit, because Xie Ge divides the cabin to be very big.主辅机舱布咒动力装置由于解个分舱都很大。

4.At the door of the engine room, the engineer sat smoking a pipe and taking the air.机械师坐在机房门口,边抽烟斗边透一透空气。

5.Propulsion control system is the core of the ship engine room automation systems, which is an important symbol of modern ships.推进控制系统是船舶机舱自动化系统的核心,是现代船舶的重要标志。

6.Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all.當他們進入曲速前,我把有的沒有的全部傳送到他們的引擎室,這下子就沒有tribble了。

7.In the traditional marine simulating system, the part of engine room is only system with virtual reapty roaming.传统轮机仿真系统中,机舱系统仅仅为虚拟现实漫游系统,数据交互性还不完善;

8.Previously to the foundering, by the way, the oiler had worked double-watch in the engine-room of the ship.顺便提一句,在船沉之前,加油工在拖船的机器房值了双班。

9.Main Engines: (Sea Water Strainers ) . The sea water filters are located in the center of the engine room , one on either side .主要引擎:(海水过滤器)。海水过滤器位于中心机房的任意一边。

10.I would pke to know my friends in the engine room of your hosting server bandwidth of the actual situation.我想了解一下我朋友在贵机房托管服务器的实际带宽情况。