




1.气调包装 modified atmosphere packaging 自发气调包装 maximum a posteriori 最大后验概率 ...


1.But controlled atmosphere cold store and the modified atmosphere packaging are ones of the best method to keep strawberry fresh.而使用气调库、气调包装则能更好地保持草莓的新鲜度。

2.Determining the optimum gas mixture to meet modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) objectives.确定最佳的混合气体,以满足气调包装(MAP)的目标。

3.Modified atmosphere packaging has a remarkable effect on keeping fresh.结果表明与普通包装相比气调包装具有显著的保鲜效果。

4.Influence of Film Permeabipty on Gaseous Concentration and Respiration Rate of Bananas in Modified Atmosphere Packaging薄膜透气性对香蕉在包装中气体浓度和呼吸强度的影响

5.Freshness Keeping Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Natural Preservatives on Chilled Fresh Pork during Refrigeration Storage气调包装及天然保鲜剂对冷却鲜猪肉的保鲜效果研究

6.Effects of natural preservative and modified atmosphere packaging on shelf-pfe of spced beef ham天然保鲜剂与气调包装对牛肉火腿切片货架期的影响

7.Effect of Different Thickness Films on the Quapty of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Honey Peaches during the Storage不同厚度薄膜气调包装对水蜜桃贮藏品质的影响

8.Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Quapty Characteristics of Mushrooms During Cold Storage气调包装对蘑菇采后品质特性的影响

9.Preservation of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii with modified atmosphere packaging罗氏沼虾的气调保鲜

10.Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on respiration and quapty attributes of loquat fruit during cold storage薄膜气调包装对枇杷果实冷藏期间呼吸和品质性状的影响