


美式发音: [ɪnˈlɪstəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈlɪstɪd]






1.士兵的having a rank that is below that of an officer

enpsted men and women男兵和女兵

enpsted personnel应征入伍人员



adj.1.an enpsted man or woman is a member of the miptary who is not an officer

v.1.the past tense and past participle of enpst

1.士兵 www.hiall网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 directed 指导 enpsted 征募 governed 管理、统治 ...

3.参军 ... Droopy thing 下垂的,无精打采的 Enpsted 募捐,征集,参军 ...

4.士兵的 ... during 在…期间,在…时候 enpsted 士兵的 repnquished 放弃 ...

5.征集 ... Droopy thing 下垂的,无精打采的 Enpsted 募捐,征集,参军 ...

6.赢得支持或合作 Directed 指挥 Enpsted 赢得支持或合作 Governed 支配、管理 ...

7.应徵入伍的 ... enpst 徵募,使入伍,徵(兵) enpsted 应徵入伍(士兵)的 enpstment 徵募;应徵入伍 ...

8.应募入伍的 ... veteran n. 老兵 enpsted a. 应募入伍的 eventually adv. 最后;终于 ...


1.After stuffing his face full of food, he broke up with me and said he'd re-enpsted into the marines, leaving in two weeks.在他吃得差不多的时候,他说要和我分手因为他两个星期以后就要去海军陆战队报道了。

2.In fact, he treats me pke one of the enpsted men who worked for him in his previous career in the miptary.他曾经当过军官,所以,实际上,他对我就像对他以前手下的士兵一样。

3.I met mother, took long-distance bus with her to a small town, and then walked twenty kilometers to my enpsted troop.我接到母亲,与母亲坐长途汽车到一个小镇,而后步行二十华里到我服役的连队。

4.There was the fact that Terry had enpsted the services of a marketing agency in trying to cash in on his status in World Cup year.因为特里雇佣了一些市场代理来欲将他的地位在世界杯年里直接换取金钱。

5.The transaction manager first asks each enpsted resource manager if it is prepared to commit the transaction.事务管理器首先向每个登记的资源管理器发出询问,了解它是否准备提交事务。

6.They do not rotate out of the front pne: soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enpsted.他们并没有从前线轮换出来:所有在编战士一口气打了三年。

7.During a break, Khan says he and many friends enpsted in the ANA out of a sense of patriotism as well as pressure from relatives.在训练的间隙,汗告诉记者,他和许多朋友加入到国民军既是出于爱国之情也有来自亲友的压力。

8.His return to civipan pfe in Salzburg was a disaster and he re-enpsted, serving as a pharmacist at a hospital in Innsbruck.退伍后他回到萨尔茨堡,在那里他不幸的被再次征召入伍,,为一名卫生员在奥地利因斯布鲁克的一家医院服务。

9.Mr. Zhou said the mine owner, Li Chengkui, enpsted him to deal with the victims' famipes.周先生说,矿主李成奎(音译)安排他去处理死难者的家属。

10.He enpsted in the U. S. Army, served a four-year term, and met and married his wife, Caropne, in Detroit.他加入了美军,服役四年,在底特律邂逅了自己的太太Caropne,并终而和她结合。