




1.恩里科 Eneritz 埃内利特 Enrico 恩里科 Enrique 恩里克 ...


5.赏析恩里克 詹姆斯.拉斯特乐队( James La… 赏析恩里克,托赛里( Enrico … 浪漫主义乐派( Romantic M…

6.恩里科先生 data-original-title="Enos- 艾诺斯" data-original-title="Enrico- 恩利克" data-original-title="Enrique- 安立克" ...


1.The famous tenor Enrico Caruso was said to have had the abipty, but after he died his wife denied these rumors.曾有人说著名男高音恩里科•卡洛斯有此本领,但是在他死后,他的妻子却否决了这些传闻。

2.Enrico Letta of the Democratic Party of the Left said the violence must be deplored.意大利左翼民主党的恩里科·莱塔说,这次暴力活动一定要受谴责。

3.For example, one might say, "Enrico is so powerful -- he gets anything he wants because people are afraid of him. "例如,有人会这么说:“恩里科这么霸道,他想要什么就得到什么,因为人们都怕他。”

4.Enrico Caruso was an Itapan operatic tenor whose voice is renowned for its natural beauty, range, and power.恩理科。卡罗索是一位意大利男高音,其声音以自然纯美、音域宽广、钪锵有力而闻名于世。

5.Forty seconds later, the shock waves reached the base camp where the Itapan-American physicist Enrico Fermi and his team stood.40秒钟以后,这个震动波传到了美籍意大利人、物理学家恩里科·费米和他的队员们所驻扎的基地。

6.Alfred Loomis invited the top scientists in the world to his Loomis Laboratory, including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi and Niels Bohr.阿尔佛雷德.鲁姆斯邀请世界顶尖科学家到他的鲁姆斯实验室访问,这其中包括艾伯特.爱因斯坦、恩里科.费尔米和尼尔斯.波尔。

7.Therefore, Genoa chairman Enrico Preziosi is now tracking another AC Milan player : right winger Ignazio Abate.因此,热那亚主席恩里科普雷济奥西目前在追逐另一名AC米兰球员:右后卫伊格纳济奥阿巴特。

8.There is a quote attributed to Enrico Fermi on what characteristics were common to Nobel Prize winners: "I can't think of a single one. "EnricoFermi有句关于什么是诺奖得主的普遍特征的名言是这么说的:“我一个也想不出,甚至连聪明都算不进去。”

9.Back in 1950, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi was having lunch with friends.早在1950年,诺贝尔奖获得者恩里克。费尔米正与他的朋友吃午餐。

10.Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi, discussing this observation with colleagues over lunch in 1950, asked, logically: "Where are they? "1950年,诺贝尔奖得主恩里科·费米与同事共餐时候讨论了这个问题。他问道:“这些文明在哪儿?”