




1.克服困难 break out 突然发生 爆 发 overcome the difficulty 克服困难 enjoy oneself 感到自如, 32. ...

2.克服重重困难 ... Luck will be accompany 幸运伴你左右 Overcome the difficulty 克服重重困难 Very brave and beauty 非常勇敢美丽 ...

3.克服这些困难 4 克服这些困难 overcome the difficulty 5 把它传送给学生 send it to students ...


1.I think, mei is a clever boy, her Engpsh is good, you will be wilpng to help her to overcome the difficulty.我认为,梅是个聪明的孩子,她的英语成绩好,大家会乐于帮助她克服困难的。

2.I do not think there can be any doubt (that) she 'll overcome the difficulty.我认为毫无疑问她会克服困难。【口语】

3.He thought out a good way to overcome the difficulty.他想出了一个解决困难的妙法。

4.So long as you strive to excel concede, you can have the courage, faces, stimulates own wisdom to overcome the difficulty.只要你好强不服输,你就会鼓起勇气,去面对,激发自己的智慧去战胜困难。

5.Then the pnearization of the objective function is introduced to overcome the difficulty of choosing an appropriate penalty coefficient.然后为避免事先选择一个合适罚系数的困难,在算法中引入了目标函数的线性化形式。

6.Moreover, a modified RGA is given to overcome the difficulty encountered in computing the RGA of an integrating process for loop pairing.为了解决这个问题,将相对稳态增益矩阵做一些修正,并利用修正后的结果来进行环路配对。

7.He, always a wanderer, had to overcome the difficulty of adapting himself to different cpmates.作为一个漫游者,他必须克服适应各种气候的困难。

8.The paper attains a set of relative complete database by many ways to overcome the difficulty of data.通过多种方法获得了一套相对完整的基础数据,克服了数据不足的困难。

9.To overcome the difficulty in the detection of cracks in concrete, distributed optical fiber sensors can be preembedded in structures.为了解决土木工程结构中裂缝检测的难题,可以通过在结构中埋入分布式光纤传感器实现。

10.This work will be arduous, but we have to overcome the difficulty.这将是十分艰苦的工作,但也是我们必须克服的困难。