


美式发音: [ɑnˈtɑnt] 英式发音: [ɒnˈtɒnt]






1.(国家间的)友好关系a friendly relationship between two countries

the Franco-Russian entente法俄友好关系


n.1.an informal agreement between countries or groups

1.协定 faux pas 失礼,失态,失言 entente 协定 laissez-faire 自由放任政策 ...

2.协约 enj oyable a. 可享受的, 令人愉快的 entente n. 协定, 协约 enthusiastically ad. 热心地, 狂热地 ...

3.协议 parley 1. 帕利 entente 1. 协议,协约 covenant 1. 协议,契约;盟约 ...

4.协约国 enclosed sea 封闭海 条约法律 130 entente 协商 条约法律 131 entity 实体 条约法律 132 ...

6.协定协约 Anglo-French 英法的 Entente 协定协约 alliances 联盟联合 ...

7.国与国之间的了解 ... 固执的 tenacious;obstinate;obdurate 国与国之间的了解 entente 围攻 beleaguer ...


1.If Britain's Tory party were ever to leave behind its European nightmare, there would also be a case to revive the old entente.如果有朝一日英国的保守党决定摆脱自己在欧陆的噩梦,或许法国也可以与其恢复以往的同盟关系。

2.The board used to act like that of a (particularly testy) joint venture, continually having to seek Franco-German entente.董事会过去扮演着类似联合企业(极难搞定)的角色,还要继续寻求法德间的相互谅解。

3.And only yesterday, it seems, Sarko and Carla were in London launching the new entente amicale.就在昨天,似乎萨科齐和卡拉在伦敦开始了崭新的协约国友谊。

4.During George Bush's presidency, India and America cemented their new entente with a deal to work together in nuclear power.在乔治·布什当政期间,印度和美国加强了相互之间的协定,共同开发核能。

5.In 1907, an Anglo-Russian agreement paved the way for the formation of the Triple Entente made up of France, the U. K. and Russia.1907年,英-俄协定为法国、英国及俄罗斯的三国协定的形成铺平了道路。

6.Some analysts predict that Ortega will eventually be forced to seek a truce or a more cordial entente with the Bush administration.(LindaRobinson)有些分析家预测,奥蒂加终将被迫向布什政府寻求休战,或者寻求一种比较友善的谅解。

7.Mr Moratinos's visit was part of a new entente over the Rock.莫拉蒂诺斯的此次访问是落实这块飞地的新协议的一部分。

8.The UK-Libyan intelligence relationship that developed under former prime minister Tony Blair's entente with Col Gaddafi is well known.在前首相托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)与卡扎菲交好期间英国和利比亚建立的情报联系广为人知。

9.the biggest distinction : the entente countries is advantageous to china , ally wants aggressive china.最大的区别:协约国对中国来说是有利的,同盟国是要侵略中国的。

10.The session brings the dicast's subsistence inconvenient, please dicast's entente.期间给市民的生活带来不便,请市民谅解。