


美式发音: [ˈoʊdərəs] 英式发音: [ˈəʊd(ə)rəs]







1.有气味的having a smell

odorous gases有味儿的气体


adj.1.<poem>Same as odoriferous2.with a strong smell

1.有气味的 odorous cargo 有异味货物 odorous 有气味的 odorproof 不透气味的 ...

2.有臭气的 odorizing 添味 odorous 有臭气的 odorousness 气味浓度 ...

3.香的 odourless adj. 无气味的;无臭的 odorous adj. 香的;有气味的;难闻的 pare vt. 消减;削皮;剪;修掉(边等) ...

4.芬芳的 obtainable adj . 能得到的, 可获得的, 可到手的 odorous a. 芬芳的, 臭的, 有气味的 offal n. 渣滓, 下水 ...

5.臭的 obtainable adj . 能得到的, 可获得的, 可到手的 odorous a. 芬芳的, 臭的, 有气味的 offal n. 渣滓, 下水 ...

6.芳香四溢的晶莹 的 ” (crystal) ,嗅觉上有 “ 芳香四溢的 ” (odorous) 、 “ 芳 馨”(smell),听觉上有流水的“淙淙”(murmuring), 162 这里 …

7.有香味的 ... luscious1. 甜的;甘美的;芳香的 odorous1. 有香味的 strong1. 有力的 ...


1.another traced in the air, with the odorous smoke of His pipe, a series of blue words, which composed a compliment to the audience.另一个演员用他那从烟斗里喷出来的一缕芬芳的烟雾,在空中迅速地写出许多青烟文字,这些字构成一句向观众致敬的颂词。

2.Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place it in odorous shoes or your kid's closet.在一对旧袜子里装满小苏打,放在有臭味鞋里或小孩的壁橱里。

3.Off-flavor problems caused by algae-producing odorous compounds have been one of the focuses in drinking water industry and aquaculture.藻源异味化合物引起的水体异味问题,是饮用水工业和水产养殖业长期关注热点。

4.storage : clean , dry , at ambient temperature , away from odorous materials . open bags must be properly re - sealed.保存方法:清洁、干燥、室温下,远离有异味材料。

5.These so-called active, or activated, charcoals are widely used to adsorb odorous or coloured substances from gases or liquids.这些所谓的活性或活化炭广泛用于吸附气体或液体中的有味或有色物质。

6.Odorous corruption hangs about him.他浑身散发着腐化堕落的气味。

7.Yellow-cake uranium could be nosed as far away as Niger, and Saddam Hussein's connections to al-Qaeda were as odorous as a Texas feedlot.即使远在尼日尔,他们也能嗅到铀精矿的气息;而萨达姆•侯塞因与基地组织的关系更是如德州牧场的浓烈气味一样刺鼻。

8.moved people closer to odorous industrial facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, and agricultural facilities.普遍的城市扩张使得居民与散发恶臭的工厂,污水处理厂和农场的距离越来越近。

9.We smelled the odorous smell of the rose in the garden.我们能闻到花园里玫瑰花的香味。

10.An oily, brown, odorous substance obtained from glands in the groin of the beaver and used as a perfume fixative.海狸香从海狸腹股沟的腺体中获得的一种油质、棕色有香味的物质,可用作香水固定剂