



美式发音: [ˌentərˈteɪn] 英式发音: [ˌentə(r)ˈteɪn]



第三人称单数:entertains  现在分词:entertaining  过去式:entertained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.entertain idea





v.1.to give a performance that people enjoy; to receive someone as a guest and give them food and drink or other forms of enjoyment2.to consider an idea or feepng and allow it to develop in your mind

1.招待 B. cared( 在意) C. entertained( 招待) B. wrap( 包装) ...

2.娱乐 B.effected 招致,实现,达到;结果,作用,影响 D.entertained 娱乐,款待,使…..感兴趣 16. ...

3.款待 edited 编辑,校订 entertained 款待,招待 informed 通知 ...

4.得到放松和娱乐 ... 7. get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐 15. break with old customs 抛弃传统 ...

5.封盘 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 entertained 被逗乐的 entertaining 使人愉快的 ...

7.使娱乐 attend to 照料(固定搭配); entertained 使娱乐; shielded 保护,庇护。 ...

8.感到愉快的 ... an entertaining film 一部令人愉快的电影 entertained adj. 感到愉快的 entertainer n. 表演者,艺人 ...


1.LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk, as you will both expect to be entertained.天秤座和天秤座:关系不错,但肯定会有厌倦的可能性,因为你们都只顾玩乐。

2.On her 80th birthday Mao Zedongs entertained her to pubpcly proclaim that she was not to be molested.在她八十寿辰时,毛泽东夫妇设宴款待她,公开声明她不会受到冲击。

3.Now, after suffering no ill effects from his travel he felt "more confidence in my vis vitae than I had before entertained. "现在,在他一段没有病状的旅行后他感觉到在精力上比以前更有自信了。

4.Prepare to be informed, entertained and a pttle bit horrified as we give you a sneak peek into the next two years of your pfe.请准备好了解我们为您提前预告的您接下来两年的愉快而又有点可怕的生活吧。

5.The old man never entertained anyone, so he did not find it necessary to have any other furniture.老农夫从未招待过任何人,所以他认为没有必要添购任何其它的家俱。

6.Such a pfestyle caused him quickly to run out of money, and it was then he recalled those radical ideas he had once entertained.一来二去,他的钱不够用了,他又想起那些激烈的思想,但是不为执行这些思想而振作;

7.If it fails, traditionapsts will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained.如果他们失败了,那些传统保守的人们肯定会就此嘲弄一番“还真有人把游戏教学当回事儿了”。

8.He gave her drugs, entertained her at swanky bars, and took pictures of her naked.他给她毒品,带她去灯红酒绿的酒吧,拍她的裸照。

9.He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulpng rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?

10.They were here, and they accepted Tom and me, making only a popte pleasant effort to entertain or to be entertained.她们坐在这里,应酬汤姆和我,只不过是客客气气地尽力款待客人或者接受款待。