




1.胡椒 盐 = zout 辣椒 = peper 肉= vlees ...

3.佩珀 沙茶酱 barbecue sauce 胡椒粉 peper 辣椒酱 chip sauce ...

5.脱离了 pepek 赌赛,打赌 peper 脱离了 peperangan 战争 ...

6.甜椒星期二先去种了甜椒(peper) 总共种了17个品种这次比较轻松 因为农场有找墨西哥人帮我们 我们只要确定品种和田区拿给他们 …

7.红辣椒崐一眼就看见荆棘后的红辣椒崐(Peper)和树上的坚果(Nuts),德鲁去拿红辣椒,崐荆棘扎手拿不到。树上的坚果更不能指望德鲁 …


1.The couple's three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong's dog, Pepper, is still with her.这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。

2.Peper said the automaker will continue to be competitive in offering incentives to consumers.Peper称,该汽车制造商在为顾客提供优惠方面持续具有竞争力。

3.In this peper necessary and sufficient conditions for the semidirect products and wreath products of two semigroup are given.给出了两个半群的半直积和圈积为左群的充分必要条件以及半直积的结构。

4.Amount: the rental will peper month, management fees invoice fees. Party B will pay the rental to Party A in the form of.数额:双方商定租金为每月元整,其中物业管理费,发票费用。乙方以形式支付给甲方。

5.The peper describes a drawing and its use in the quapty control of the porosity examination for refractories.叙述了耐火制品显气孔率检测质量控制图的绘制及应用;

6.The analytical process for clarifieation of the composition of an unknown inorganic flame retardant was reported in this peper.介绍了一种无机阻燃剂的成分分析过程,通过化学定性分析判断其成分组成;

7.A method of ultimate precision in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) and apppcable practice are introduced in this peper.本文介绍一种在火焰原子吸收光谱分析中提高测量精确度的方法——极限精确度法及其应用实例。

8.This peper will describe the repabipty growth test of welding inverter machine, its basic concept method, program and result.本文通过实例阐述了逆变焊机可靠性增长试验的基本思想、方法、步骤,并给出了试验结果。

9.The guy next to me wrote him name at the top of the peper.坐在这旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写了自己的名字。

10.A self-organized fuzzy control system described in this peper is satisfied for these requirements.所介绍的自组织模糊控制系统可以满足这方面的要求。