


美式发音: [ɪnˈθuziˌæzəm] 英式发音: [ɪnˈθjuːziˌæzəm]



复数:enthusiasms  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great enthusiasm,wild enthusiasm,infectious enthusiasm,tremendous enthusiasm,eager enthusiasm

v.+n.arouse enthusiasm,show enthusiasm,lose enthusiasm,dampen enthusiasm,express enthusiasm





1.[u]热情;热心;热忱a strong feepng of excitement and interest in sth and a desire to become involved in it

I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.我可不像你那样,对这个想法那样热心。

He had a real enthusiasm for the work.他的确热衷于这项工作。

She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.她从未失去过教书的热忱。

The news was greeted with a lack of enthusiasm by those at the meeting.与会者对这消息未表现出多少兴趣。

‘I don't mind,’ she said, without much enthusiasm.“我不在乎。”她不冷不热地说。

full of enthusiasm充满热情

2.[c]热衷的事物;激发热情的事物something that you are very interested in and spend a lot of time doing

n.1.热心,热情,热诚 (for)2.爱好的事物;〈古〉宗教狂,笃信

n.1.the feepng of being very interested in something or excited by it; an activity or subject that you are interested in and excited about

1.热情 N:Nation( 国家) E:Enthusiasm( 热情) F:Freedom( 自由) ...

2.热心 enter 进人;参加,加入 enthusiasm 热情,热心,积极性 enthusiastic 热情的…

3.热忱 d. Cooperation( 合作) e. Enthusiasm热诚) f. Conscientiousness( 自觉性) ...

5.狂热 16. cherish 珍爱 17. enthusiasm 狂热 31. butterfly 蝴蝶 ...

6.积极性 enter 进人;参加,加入 enthusiasm 热情,热心,积极性 enthusiastic 热情的…

7.激情 pulse n. 脉搏,脉冲 5670 enthusiasm n. 热情,热心;狂热;积极性 abroad 在/到国外 3329 ▲ ...


1.But after 15 years of working in new markets, has Mr White had all his enthusiasm knocked out of him by various hardships and reverses?但在新兴市场工作了15年后,怀特先生的热情有没有被形形色色的困难和挫折所击溃呢?

2.An EU that helps to restore prosperity to its members may also be able to rekindle its citizens' enthusiasm for itself.一个能帮助其成员国恢复繁荣的欧盟也许也能够恢复其公民对它的热情。

3.A balance must be struck between the national team and local teams in terms of benefits, so the latter "s enthusiasm is not dampened. "平衡国家队与地方队之间的利益,保护地方的积极性,都是我国女足目前面临的严峻挑战。

4.She began to put the house straight, making beds and washing dishes, cleaning and tidying; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it.她开始无精打采地收拾房间;叠被子,洗碗碟,又扫又擦。

5.The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others.领导者必须能与他人分享知识和主意,以向他人传输一种紧迫感和热情。

6.But mine would too if I scored and I don't think you want to stop the positive enthusiasm.但是如果我破门了我也会冲球迷大喊,我不认为你想阻止这些积极的热情。

7.Often, this prospect is viewed with a lack of enthusiasm, a sad feepng that's sometimes referred to as "Monday morning blues" .对此,人们常感到缺乏热情,甚至感到悲哀。有时这种心情被称作是“周一早上的忧郁症”。

8.How much more enthusiasm are we Iooking at here?我们还要激情多长时间?

9.His enthusiasm began to gain Kennedy, and yet the spectacle evoked before his eyes made him giddy.他的热情开始赢得了肯尼迪,可是呈现在他眼前的图景使他眼花缭乱起来。

10.Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential.尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。