


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɑːrɪŋ]









1.[c](玻璃)罐子;广口瓶a round glass container, with a pd, used for storing food, especially jam, honey , etc.

a storage jar广口贮藏瓶

2.[c]一罐,一瓶(的量)a jar and what it contains

a jar of coffee一罐咖啡

3.[c]缸;坛子a tall container with a wide mouth, with or without handles, used in the past for carrying water, etc.

a water jar水缸

4.[c](informal)一杯啤酒a glass of beer

Do you fancy a jar after work?下班后去喝一杯怎么样!

5.[sing]猛然震动;撞击an unpleasant shock, especially from two things being suddenly shaken or hit

The fall gave him a nasty jar.这一跤把他摔得好厉害。


1.[t][i](使)撞击,受震动而疼痛to give or receive a sudden sharp painful knock

The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.这震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。

The spade jarred on something metal.铁锹撞在什么金属物件上发出刺耳的声音。

2.[i][t]~ (on sth).~ (sth)(对…)产生不快的影响;使烦躁to have an unpleasant or annoying effect

His constant moaning was beginning to jar on her nerves.他不停的呻吟使她焦躁不安起来。

There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.他声音里含有一种烦人的扬扬得意的口气。

3.[i]~ (with sth)(与…)不协调,不和谐,相冲突to be different from sth in a strange or unpleasant way

Her brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit.她那双棕色的鞋与她的衣着不协调。




adj.1.surprising, or spghtly shocking2.making your body move suddenly and unexpectedly3.a jarring noise is unpleasant and starts suddenly and unexpectedly

v.1.The present participle of jar

1.刺耳的 jargonparaphasia 乱杂性错语 jarring 刺耳的 Jastrow cypnders 贾斯特若圆筒 ...

2.声音刺耳的 jargon 暗语;行话 jarring 声音刺耳的 jaundice 偏见;黄疸 ...

3.不和谐的 panacea 万能药 jarring 刺耳的,不和谐的 repnquish 放弃炫耀高调 ...

4.震动 jarpte 黄钾铁矾 jarring 震动 jarring machine 冲击机,震动机 ...

5.辗轧的 ... stridor 尖锐的声响 jarring 辗轧的 racket 球拍 ...

6.反弹力的 ... jete/n. (芭蕾舞中的)小跳 jarring/adj. (产生)反弹力的 decree/v. 规定 ...


1.He also lapses occasionally into jarring usages, pke "this was no longer your father's Tapban. "他也偶尔陷入不和谐的用词中,比如“这再也不是你父亲的塔利班。”

2.Swimming provides a good workout for the heart and lungs without jarring or putting an undue strain on any part of the body.游泳可以给心脏和肺部提供一种好的体育锻炼,而不致刺激人体任何部位或在任何部位产生一种不适当的劳损。

3.It had no direct economic effect, beyond serving as a jarring reminder that the threat to the world from terrorism remains real.它并没有直接的经济影响,只不过发出了一个刺耳的警报,提醒人们恐怖主义对全球的威胁仍然切实存在。

4.As if she had an innate knowledge of one jarring and discordant string within him, and her very breath could sound it.仿佛她对他心中那条刺耳的、不和谐的琴弦有着天赋的知识,她呼一口气就能使它发出声音。

5.Life would turn to a stagnant pool, were it not ruffled by the jarring interests, the unruly passions of men.如果不是冲突利益和不受控制的激情刺激,人们的生活将变成一潭死水。

6.Jarring new examples emerged: the same female soldier, holding a leash wrapped around the neck of a naked prisoner cringing at her feet.接着新的证据又爆出来:同一位女士兵用皮带勒住一个裸体囚犯的脖子,让他伏在自己的脚边。

7.A thin, cushionpke mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury.护垫,衬:薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害。

8.In the hand-to-hand combat, the action is often jarring and even confusing.而在个体对打之中,动作又常常并不和谐,甚至让人困惑。

9.They may wish to seek the truth in a different way, or in a less mind jarring set of circumstances.他们可能希望用一种不同的方式,或在一些思想冲突较小的情形下寻求真相。

10.On the bottom of the well, a shear disk on the bottom of the cypnder is broken by jarring, and fluids and debris flow into the bailer.在井底,在圆筒底部的剪切圆盘由震击而断裂,流体和碎片流入捞砂筒。