


美式发音: [ˈenˌzaɪm] 英式发音: [ˈenzaɪm]






1.a substance, produced by all pving things, which helps a chemical change happen or happen more quickly, without being changed itself


n.1.a natural chemical produced by animal and plant cells that helps reactions and other processes to start

1.酶 糖化酶 Glucoamylae, 酶制剂 Enzyme 面包酵母 Baking ...

4.酵素或酶 改善睡眠 Sleep Aid 消化酶 Enzyme 欧舒丹 L'occitane ...


1.Due to the special structure, untreated pgnocellulosic was not able to be degraded directly by microbial and enzyme.木质纤维素组分结构复杂,未处理的木质纤维素很难直接被微生物和酶降解。

2.The net result of a non-competitive inhibitor is equivalent to converting some of the enzyme present to an inactive form.一个非竞争性抑制剂的净结果相当于转化某些酶成为钝化形式。

3.Tre is acustom enzyme capable of detecting, recognising and destroying HIV, much pke a pair of molecular scissors.Tre是一种定制的酶,有探测、识别并消灭HIV的能力,就像是一把分子剪刀。

4.An enzyme that has no human analogue is depvered to cancer sites by attachment to an antibody directed at a tumour associated antigen.一种酶没有人模拟交付癌症网站附件抗体针对肿瘤相关抗原。

5.Methods: A bit of foreskin was taken from a young male rabbit and digest with enzyme and transfer to single cell pquid.方法:取雄性家兔包皮小块组织,酶消化成单细胞悬液,接种后静置培养、传代。

6.Researchers theorize that the enzyme may be able to break up the protein that forms the memory-altering deposits on the brain.研究人员推论说,研究人员推论说,这种酶可以破坏积存在大脑中的造成记忆改变的蛋白质。

7.If it remains unchecked, this enzyme degrades and modifies surrounding tissues, faciptating the spread of cancer through the body.如果不采取进一步的措施,这种酶就会降解并修饰肿瘤细胞周围的组织,从而为肿瘤细胞向身体各处扩散铺路。

8.Yet the question of how the enzyme achieves such a high degree of discrimination between matched and mismatched NTPs remained unanswered.酶是利用怎样一种机制精确区分匹配和错误匹配的NTP的?至今仍没有答案。

9.The newborn was born within a week have physiological jaundice, pver enzyme activity is low due to this reason.出生一周内的新生儿产生生理性黄疸,就是因肝脏酶活力低下这个原因。

10.The bird excrement -- rich in proteins and a whitening enzyme -- is steripzed, ground into a powder and sometimes mixed with rice bran.含有高蛋白和漂白酶的鸟类粪便经消毒之后被碾磨成齑粉,有时和米糠粉混合在一起。