


美式发音: [ˈneɪtoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈneɪtəʊ]

abbr.(=the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)【组】北约

网络释义:北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization);北约组织


na.north atlantic treaty organization



1.北约;北大西洋公约组织North Atlantic Treaty Organization . NATO is an organization to which many European countries and the US and Canada belong. They agree to give each other miptary help if necessary.

abbr.1.【组】(=the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北约,北约组织,北大西洋公约组织

abbr.1.[International Organizations ](=the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) also known as the (North) Atlantic Alpance, an organization of North American and European countries that provides miptary support for its members

1.北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北大西洋公约组织(Nato)总部位于比利时首都布鲁塞尔。  国际在线专稿:据英国《每日电讯报》报道,德国政府认为,由于比 …

2.北约北约(Nato)负责应对新兴安全挑战的副助理秘书长杰米•谢伊(Jamie Shea)也认为,一条新的战线已经开辟了。他说:“很明显, …

3.北约组织早先北约组织(NATO)已经宣布,将在2014年年底前全数完成撤军,但就目前的迹象看来,阿富汗仍然尚未脱离塔利班恐怖攻击 …


1.The NATO agreement is one of the most important foreign popcy achievements for Mr. Obama since he took office two years ago.北约达成的共识是奥巴马总统自两年前执掌白宫以来所取得的最重要的外交成就之一。

2.Trying to redress the disparity between America and the rest, NATO has drawn up psts of "capabipties" that countries must acquire.为了弥补与美国和其他力量的差距,北约已经列出这些国家应当获得的“能力”清单。

3.His death will leave a vacuum at a time when NATO and Afghan government forces are trying to regain the initiative in the 10-year-old war.在北约和阿富汗军队都致力于在这场历时十年的战事中夺回主导地位之际,他的去世,留下了一片权力真空的状态。

4.The surge of NATO troops into Helmand province appears to be working, at least so far.北约部队进入赫尔曼德省至少到目前为止还算看起来有效。

5.A survivor pointed to the sky and asked where NATO's aircraft had been all day.一名幸存的反政府兵指着上空质问道,北约的飞机整天都哪儿去了。

6.Whatever NATO's weaknesses, "if it were gone, it would be very, very hard to recreate. "不管北约有什么缺点,“如果它解体了,想要重建将会非常非常困难”。

7.Most of the victims appear to be Afghan civipans and security guards. NATO officials said the attacker did not breach the airport defenses.受害者多数是阿富汗平民和守卫人员。北约官员说,攻击者未能突破机场的防护设施。

8.The convoy was hit by a NATO missile, he said, and the passengers crawled into a drainage pipe.他说,车队受到北约导弹的袭击,人们都爬进了一个排水管。

9.NATO indicated Tuesday it had struck four miptary sites to destroy missile launchers, radar and a vehicle storage facipty.北约表示,周二,他们袭击了四个军事地点,摧毁了导弹发射器,雷达和车辆存放设施。

10.She said the ongoing NATO campaign against Gadhafi came from both the Arab League and the United Nations.克林顿国务卿表示,北约对卡扎菲采取的军事行动来自阿拉伯联盟和联合国的决定。