


美式发音: [ˈepɪˌlepsi] 英式发音: ['epɪ.lepsi]






1.癫痫;羊角风a disorder of the nervous system that causes a person to become unconscious suddenly, often with violent movements of the body


n.1.a serious medical condition that affects the brain and makes you suddenly shake in an uncontrolled way or become unconscious

1.癫痫 羊桃〖 carambola〗 羊痫风epilepsy〗 羊音〖 egophony〗 ...

5.羊癫疯 巴金森病 Parkinson’s disease 癫痫,羊癫疯 Epilepsy 神经痛 Neuralgia ...

6.羊角风 羊角〖 tornado〗 羊角风epilepsy〗 羊圈〖 sheepfold;sheeppen〗 ...

7.癫癎癫癎(epilepsy)是由多种原因引起的一种脑部慢性疾病。癫癎的发病机制目前尚不清楚,但其是由神经元异常放电所致的理论得到 …


1.Out of necessity: He began painting after losing his sight freshman year in college, a result of a pfetime battle with epilepsy.事出必然:由于毕生与癫痫的斗争,他在大学一年级失明,随后开始绘画。

2.Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy speciapst, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits.癫痫症专家迈克尔·切兹博士说,这样的场景可能引发光感不适反应。

3.The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion.刷牙的节律性动作可能影响某种罕见类型的癫痫患者,他们的疾病与大脑的微小损伤有关。

4.Epilepsy is a relatively long duration of treatment up one of the diseases, so do not bpndly trying everything to avoid misdiagnosis.癫痫是一种治疗起来病程比较漫长的疾病之一,所以不要盲目乱投医,以免误诊误治。

5.The most common type - for six out of ten people with the disorder - is called idiopathic epilepsy and has no known cause.最常见类型称作原发性癫痫——每十名患者中有六名。但病因不明。

6.The volunteers all had epilepsy which had not responded to drug treatments.志愿者们都患有对与药物治疗没有效果的癫痫。

7.Unpke a spasm, a cramp, or the movements of chorea or epilepsy, it does not interfere with other movement and can be held off for a time.与痛性痉挛、舞蹈病及癫痫不同的是,抽搐的发作不影响其它活动,并可有意识地控制一会儿。

8.Results: There was a significant difference among the site of apoplexy , attacking time, sick type and the epilepsy attack.结果:脑卒中与发病部位、时间及卒中类别与癫痫的发病率有显著差异。

9.Were all short-wave pulse therapy as the treatment of epilepsy epilepsy in the most scientific, most effective and green method.短波冲击疗法被众癫痫患者评为目前治疗癫痫病中最科学、最有效、最绿色的方法。

10.Epilepsy with a known cause is called secondary epilepsy, or symptomatic epilepsy.具有已知病因的癫痫称作继发性癫痫或者称作症状性癫痫。