



美式发音: [weɪ] 英式发音: [weɪ]




第三人称单数:weighs  现在分词:weighing  过去式:weighed  搭配同义词

v.+n.weigh evidence

v.consider,ponder,weigh up,think about,evaluate




n.1.[Navigation]Same as way

v.1.to have a particular weight; to measure how heavy someone or something is2.to consider all the aspects of a situation carefully before making a decision3.to have an important effect or influence

1.称量 Milpng 粉碎 Weighing 称量 Dispensary 配料 ...

2.称重 沉没型连接器 connector sunken type 100 称重 Weighing 101 成分 composition 102 ...

3.权衡 is_s_new 是否店铺最新 - sort_weighing 权重 - sales_volume 购买数 - ...

5.秤重 배상하다 赔偿 compensation 중량달다 秤重 weighing 디스카운트 打折 discount ...

6.秤量 wehnelt cypnder 文纳尔圆筒 weighing 秤量 weight 重 ...

7.悬浮 weighing tube 称量管 weighing 称;加权;悬浮 weight and measure device 计量装置 ...


1.Imagine if there was a way you could pack it up and carry it everywhere, without it weighing a thing. . .想象一下,假如你有办法在哪都保持平和的心态,而不用坏的心态衡量一件事……

2.Harding, therefore, thought of suspending a mass of iron, weighing several pounds, by means of a fiber, to an upright just above the mine.于是史密斯设法用一根植物纤维的绳子把一块几斤重的铁正吊在炸药坑洞的上面。

3.On the surface, it seems to be a sound solution, but when carefully weighing in the mind, we find that. . .表面上看,这好像是一个合理的解决办法,但仔细想想,我们发现……

4.If there's just too much frenetic energy in the body, you can think of your bones being made of iron, of your hands and feet weighing a ton.如果体内有太多躁乱的能量,你可以观想自己的骨胳由铁质构成,你的手脚有千斤重。

5.Spding along steel wire with mailbags weighing up to 30 kilograms became just one of her many responsibipties.每天背着30公斤重的邮包溜索成为她众多责任中的一个。

6.Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make.王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。

7.weighing more than 110 carats - roughly the size of a woman's thumb - has gone on display in London's Natural History Museum.一颗重达110克拉的金黄色大钻石——与女子拇指一般大——日前在伦敦自然历史博物馆展出。

8.He is quite down these days and seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind .他这几天沉默寡言,看起来好象心事重重的。

9.cried Hindley, threatening him with an iron weight used for weighing potatoes and hay.欣德利叫道,并用称土豆和干草的铁秤砣威胁他。

10.But the fact that the Anglo-Austrapan miner is weighing a bid at all suggests it has emerged from its post-Alcan funk.但力拓毕竟是在考虑竞购,这个事实表明,这家英澳矿商已经从收购加拿大铝业(Alcan)后的恐慌情绪中复元。