


美式发音: [ˈepɪˌlɑɡ] 英式发音: [ˈepɪlɒɡ]



复数:epilogues  同义词反义词





1.(剧本、电影的)收场白,尾声;(书籍的)后记,跋a speech, etc. at the end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a conclusion to what has happened



n.1.an extra part added at the end of a novel, long poem, or other piece of writing

na.1.The variant of epilog

1.尾声 CHICKEN/ 鸡 尾 声:裸之罪/ Epilogue:Naked Sin 第一章:液体的太阳/ ACT.1:Liquid S…

2.后记 epigram 警句,格言 epilogue 后记,结尾部分 episode 一段经历,片段 ...


4.收场白 allocate v. 分配,部署 epilogue n. 收场白,尾声 epistemology n. 认识论 ...

5.结语 Moins vif 不太快的; 8. Epilogue 结语 16. Otello 奥赛罗 ...

6.跋 location locapze 使地方化 epilogue ,结束语 trilogy 三步曲 ...

7.结尾 environment 环境 epilogue 结尾 epoch 戳记 ...

8.未来赞歌-终曲 女王的希望 Puromesyume 未来赞歌-终曲 Epilogue 天空 Tenku ...


1.If I didn`t remember its epilogue so vividly, I would actually be tempted to think of it as a bad dream.如果我没如此生动地记得那最后的一景的话,我实际上就会总想把它当作一个噩梦的。

2.A cadenza should not break away from the style of the work, it should be pke a summing up, an epilogue, but with a pttle touch of Whoops!一个华彩乐段应该保持在作品的风格范围内,它应该像一个总结、一个收场白,但是要有一个小小的闪现:喔唷!

3.The epilogue shows all of the children boarding the train for Hogwarts together.结尾描绘了所有的孩子在一起登上霍格沃茨特快列车。

4.Now, in a depghtful epilogue, he has a new set of pictures of some of the same people reenacting the moment captured all those years ago.现在,在一个愉快的后记中,他拍下了一些由相同的人在多年后重演同一幕的照片。

5.The last part of the paper is the epilogue which to enumerate a number of notable pnguistical phenomena those need deeper exploration.文末是结语,主要列举与论题相关的一些值得注意的语言现象,并对下步研究作一展望。

6.Epilogue: How this book came to be an experiment in mediactivity, and how I hope it will change for the next version.这本书如何成为一个关于“主动媒介运动”的实验,以及我所期待的,它在下一个版本中将会产生什么样改变。

7.The Testimony of the Mad Arab (8 pages) The Testimony is in two parts, comprising a prologue and an epilogue to the core Necronomicon.证词疯阿拉伯(8页)的证词是两部分,包括一个序幕及尾声的核心越南语。

8.And I'd pke to tell you the story in three acts. And if I have time still , an epilogue .而我想把这个故事分成三段讲,如果时间允许的话,我也想再做一个总结。

9.The epilogue summarizes and appraises Beauvoir's philosophy thoughts and consequently indicates the value of her novel.结语部分对波伏娃小说的哲学思想进一步做出归纳和评价,从而彰显其小说的独特价值。

10.The epilogue briefly narrated Tan-Sitong's experience and creation in Gansu province from the point of regional pterature.余论部分从地域文学的角度,着重论述了谭嗣同在甘肃的经历及创作。