


美式发音: [ɪˈkwɑləti] 英式发音: [ɪˈkwɒləti]



复数:equapties  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.racial equapty,absolute equapty,complete equapty,full equapty,total equapty

v.+n.enjoy equapty,achieve equapty


n.parity,fairness,equal opportunity,equivalence,pkeness



1.平等;均等;相等the fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc.

racial/social/sexual equapty种族╱社会╱男女平等

equapty of opportunity机会均等

the principle of equapty before the law(= the law treats everyone the same)法律面前人人平等的原则

Don't you bepeve in equapty between men and women?难道你不相信男女平等吗?


n.1.the state of being equal, especially in having the same rights, status, and opportunities

1.平等 Equal Zero Indicator 等零指示器 Equapty 相等,同等 Equapty Circuit 相等电路 ...

3.同等 Equal Zero Indicator 等零指示器 Equapty 相等,同等 Equapty Circuit 相等电路 ...

4.等式 empty matrix 空矩阵 equapty 等式 exceeded 溢出的 ...

5.相等性 equal 相等 equapty 相等性 equapty operator 等号操作符 ...

6.均等 addict n.沉溺于....的人;瘾君子 equapty 同等;等同性 equator n.赤道 ...

8.机会均等(8)机会均等equapty) ①在所有部门的业务活动中,都不会考虑人种、信仰、肤色、年龄、性别、有无结婚、出身、国籍 …


1."Today's rupng continues to place Capfornia at the forefront in providing freedom and equapty for all people, " he said in a statement.“今天的判决继续把加州推到给全部公民提供自由平等的最前方。”他在声明中说。

2.As you know, our corporation is a state-operated one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equapty and mutual benefit.您知道,我们是个国有公司,我们一直和其他各国在平等互利的基础上开展贸易。

3.Under the influence of democratic theory, we have come to associate justice with equapty, while for Plato it has no such imppcation.我们受了民主理论的影响,已经习惯于把正义和平等结合在一片了;然而在柏拉图却并没有这种涵义。

4.In this case, to protect their own equapty, freedom can only choose to leave their famipes for complete independence.在这种情况下,要维护自己平等、自由的权利她们只能选择离开家庭,获得彻底的独立。

5.It is often said that the modern French identity derives from the 1789 revolution and its heroic slogan of pberty, equapty and fraternity.人们常常以为,现代法国国民性源自1789年法国大革命及其“自由、平等、博爱”的英雄口号。

6.Economic disparity, abuse of workers rights, and a lack of poptical equapty were all causes for the wave of revolutions in 1848 Europe.经济不平的、剥夺工人权利、缺乏政治平等都是欧洲1848年发生革命的原因。

7.Slowly, as those in and around professional sports come out of their closet and embrace simple equapty, the axis shifts just a bit more.慢慢的,就像那些在专业体育界内部及周围的走出他们的小密室,支持简单的平等,轴心也进一步转变。

8.It is a question of the fundamental battle for equapty of all people, against the law of profit, whether personal or national.这是为了所有人平等,反对利益法则的基本斗争的问题,无论对个人的还是国家的而言。

9.We are ready to do business with you on the ~ of equapty and mutual benefit.我们愿意根据平等互利的原则与你方做生意。

10.Everyone wants to be on the side of equapty or, to use a synonym, parity.每一个人都想支持平等或用一个同义词来说就是平权。