




1.相等 (bi 双+ (equi 相等+ (dys 不良+ ...

2.同等 45. mill / kilo 一千,千分之一 49. equi同等,相等 58. –able,-ible 可…… ...

3.平等 (circum 周围+ (equi 平等+ (state 国家+ ...

4.等于 “ nox ”一词。“ N “ equi ”是“ 等于 (Over the Counter 非处方药)字样等。 ...

5.马巴贝斯虫 弩巴贝斯虫 B. cabalp 马巴贝斯虫 B. equi 莫氏巴贝斯虫 B. motasi ...

6.平均 36.duc,duct 表示引导,带来 37.equ,equi 表示相等,平均 38.err 表示漫 …

7.包括马埃立克体 ... 4.鼠埃立克体 E. muris 5.包括马埃立克体 E. equi 6.嗜吞噬细胞埃立克体 E. phagocytophila ...

8.马毛虱 毛虱属 Damapnia 马毛虱 D. equi 山羊毛虱 D. caprae ...


1.Equi valent effect is an ideal goal which is not easy to achieve, for it is affected by various pnguistic and cultural factors.等效翻译受到来自两种语言和文化中很多因素的干扰,是不易达到的理想的翻译目标。

2.Using an equi-join means that each row in the transformation input must match at least one row from the reference dataset.使用同等联接意味着转换输入中的每一行都至少要匹配引用数据集中的一行。

3.The join between the fact table and any dimension table is an equi-join, which makes a hash join possible.事实表和任何维度表之间的连接都是等值连接,这使得散列连接成为可能。

4.The propagation of acoustic waves in sonic crystals is analyzed by means of acoustic equi-frequency surfaces.通过波矢空间等频线的方法来分析声子晶体中声波的传播。

5.The Lookup transformation performs an equi-join between values in the transformation input and values in the reference dataset.查找转换在转换输入的值和引用数据集的值之间执行同等联接。

6.The meridian equi-moment is relation to radius of cross section of loop, bend radius, bend angle in meridian and internal pressure.经向等效弯矩只与管截面圆内半径、弯曲半径、经向弯角及内压有关。

7.Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus can cause swine diseases, thus making substantial economic losses in recent years.目的近年来马链球菌兽疫亚种引起的猪链球菌病在我国造成重大损失。

8.The Lookup transformation uses an equi-join to locate matching records in the reference table.查找转换使用同等联接在引用表中查找匹配的记录。

9.This method uses a compressed histogram based on both MCV and equi-depth histogram to store data distribution information of database.采用基于MCV和等高直方图的压缩直方图存储数据库的数据分布特征信息,给出了该压缩直方图的构建方法,研究了谓词选择率估计算法。

10.Companies in the UK, the United States and China are equi ed with branches, there are currently more than 600 outstanding profe totals.公司在英国,美国和中国均设有分公司,目前共有600多名优秀的专业人士。