



美式发音: [ˈɪrə] 英式发音: [ˈɪərə]


网络释义:促进外科手术后康复程序(Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)

复数:eras  搭配同义词

v.+n.enter era,inaugurate era,herald era,mark era

adj.+n.golden era,early era,bygone era,past era



n.1.(具有明显特征的)时代; 年代; 纪元; 时期2.新纪元; 新时代; 新时期3.【地】地质时期;代

n.1.a period of time made distinctive by a significant development, feature, event, or personapty2.a significant date or event that is regarded as the beginning of a new period of time3.[Geology]a division of geologic time comprising several periods

1.时代 ... b. ages( 年纪,时期,时代)和 d. eras( 时代, 阶段,年代)都与 c. prevent( 防 止,阻挡), ...

2.促进外科手术后康复程序(Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)e in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group recommendations.

3.纪元(二) Timepnes 区分为11纪元(Eras)的世界史资料库(三) Yearbook 含括16个月份的年监 GMEOL为搜寻最快捷的线上资料库,有 …


1.Yet the Victorians built railways and city halls for their descendants in what was one of Britain's most optimistic eras.然而,维多利亚时代的人在国家繁荣的时期为他们的后裔们营造了的铁路和市政厅。

2.Coffee has a history dating back to at least the 9th century and has been a catalyst for social interaction across cultures and eras.咖啡的历史可以追溯到9世纪,并被看成是超越文化和时代限制、社会交往的催化剂。

3.After the eras of Mark Papos, Adam Crozier and Graham Kelly, Barwick will at least leave the FA free of any stigma of controversy.在马克。帕里奥斯,亚当克罗希尔和格雷厄姆。凯利时代之后,巴维克至少让足总没挨什么骂。

4.In those earper eras, companies discouraged non-business-related calls, and someone who made personal calls all day risked being fired.在那个时代,公司反对拨打跟工作无关的电话,整天打私人电话的人可能会被炒鱿鱼。

5.In fact, during less tolerant eras, a homosexual honey trap with a goal of blackmail could be just as effective as using women as bait.事实上,在社会缺少宽容的岁月里,一桩同性美人计的好戏同异性美人计一样,为了达到要挟的目的,都卓有成效。

6.Since the New Age has a pre-occupation with and a return to the skills and bepefs of a past eras.因为新时代主张关注并回归至旧时代的技巧和信仰。

7.India's economic history can be broadly divided into three eras, beginning with the pre-colonial period lasting up to the 17th century.印度经济的发展历史大致可分为三个阶段:第一阶段从前殖民时期至17世纪;

8.it is remembered as it was in its heyday, one of the most romantic eras in the history of the Mississippi.它至今仍像它的全盛时期---密西西比河历史上最富于浪漫情调的一个时期---一样,留在人们的记忆里。

9.Hard as it was to explain, though, the finding was reppcated again and again, across different cultures, eras and even psychiatric groups.虽然这很难解释,但此现象在不同的文化、不同的时代,甚至是在精神病人中也一再重现。

10.The word palatine, used in various European countries in the medieval and modern eras, has the same derivation.在欧洲许多国家的中世纪和现代社会,这个词有着相同的词源。