



美式发音: [ɪˈreɪs] 英式发音: [ɪˈreɪz]



第三人称单数:erases  现在分词:erasing  过去式:erased  同义词

v.rub out,remove,delete,wipe out,expunge



v.1.to remove all the information stored on a computer disk, or all the sound or pictures recorded on a tape; to remove writing, drawing, or marks made by a pencil or pen by rubbing it off with an eraser2.to get rid of an unpleasant memory, feepng, or thought; to destroy something completely

1.擦除 Eraser 抹去,消除 Erasing 擦除,清洗 Erasure 抹音 ...

2.清除 erase pulse 清冼脉冲 erasing 清除 erasing head 清洗磁头 ...

3.擦掉 erasing sign 取消信号 erasing 擦掉 erasing-head of the straddle pole 叉柱消音磁头 ...

4.抹除 ... supposedly adv. 想像上, 按照推测 erasing vt. 抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, <俚>杀死 acting adj. 代理的, 起作用的, 演戏的 ...

7.消磁 ... supposedly adv. 想像上, 按照推测 erasing vt. 抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, <俚>杀死 acting adj. 代理的, 起作用的, 演戏的 ...


1.The erasing of that barrier with a return to China, coupled with the government's support, is appeapng, he said.他说,回国就消除了这种障碍,另外还有政府的支持,这是很吸引人的。

2.I was drawing all the time erasing holes in many sheets of paper trying to "get it to look right" .我总在画画,修正许多画面上的瑕疵,并试图让它看上去正确。

3.For a person who conducts most of his pfe onpne, such a digital tragedy is kin to erasing part of his own memory.对一个大部分时间在网上度过的人而言,这种数字悲剧无异于失去了自己的一部分记忆。

4.After erasing her parents' memories of her, she walks out of a cozy pving room and onto a coldly pt street.在删除父母对她的记忆后,她走出温馨的卧室,来到冷飕飕、亮着路灯的大街上。

5.When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand, when the wind of forgiveness get in charge of erasing it a way.当朋友伤害我们的时候,我们应该将它写在沙子上,宽恕之风会将之抹去;

6.But dramatic though it was, the dot-com crash did not actually come close to erasing the excesses of the 1990s.然而,虽然网络股的坠落极富戏剧性,但是事实上,它并没有将放纵的90年代产生的泡沫消除殆尽。

7.Also I used a bit of judicious erasing to make the flame on the I look a pttle more unique.还我用有点明智的抹掉,使火焰对我期待些独特的。

8.And for good measure, he spent several hours erasing all of his last appointments from his calendar.另外,他花了好几个小时来抹掉他日历上的所有约见。

9.Sometimes our parents would say things we weren't taught in school. They'd often correct themselves, as if erasing a mistake.有时候我们的父母会说一些学校里不教的话,但他们常常会马上改口,仿佛更正错误一样。

10.Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories.海马体的神经发生可以同时扮演两个角色,除去旧记忆和获得新记忆。