



美式发音: [ˈhæmpər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmpə(r)]




复数:hampers  现在分词:hampering  过去式:hampered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.hamper growth,hamper development,hamper distribution,hamper action


n.basket,picnic basket,pannier

v.hinder,obstruct,get in the way of,impede,slow down




n.1.a large basket in which you keep dirty clothes until you wash them2.a large basket with a pd, used for carrying the food for a picnicmeal that you are going to eat outside

v.1.to prevent something from happening or progressing normally2.to pmit someones freedom to move

1.阻碍 ) insulated 隔离,使绝缘 ) hampered 阻碍,妨碍 ) hoisted 升起,提升 ...

2.妨碍 ) insulated 隔离,使绝缘 ) hampered 阻碍,妨碍 ) hoisted 升起,提升 ...

3.限制 ) apt 意为“易于,” ) hampered 意为“妨碍,限制”,; ) savaged 意为“激烈抨击”…

4.阻止 ranks= 军阶,军衔 hampered= 阻碍,阻止 sequence= 系列 ...

5.牵制 ... )crumbled 意为“弄碎 , 粉碎 , 崩溃”; )hampered 意为“妨碍 , 牵制”。故选项 ...


1.The England full-back has spent just short of a year on the sidepnes having seen numerous comebacks hampered by injury.这位英格兰后卫已经作壁上观很久了,他的一次次复出愿望都因为反复的伤病阻碍而落空。

2.'The inabipty to have complete information greatly hampered the function of those central banks, ' he said.他说,不能获得完整的信息,极大地限制了这些央行的运转。

3.The Bloomsbury Group in London six decades ago was not much hampered by its lack of a temporal history.在伦敦的布鲁姆伯利文化圈[1]在六十年前亦并没有因为其缺少世俗的历史受到多少阻碍。

4.On Sundays he was a man of misty views, rather given to postponing, and hampered by his best clothes and umbrella.可一到星期日,他就迷糊了,行动拖沓,他那身上最好的衣服和雨伞弄得他狼狈不堪。

5.It reported BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers said the deal's completion was hampered by a proposed new Austrapan tax on mining profits.报导称,必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(MariusKloppers)表示,澳洲当局提议对矿业获利课徵新税的提案,妨碍了合并计划完成。

6.Recovery prospects are being hampered by the fact that the "authorities are not providing a solution, " he said.经济恢复的计划被“那些没有提供解决方案的权威人士”阻碍了,他说

7.Mr Bolton has been criticised for his gruff manner, which some suggest has hampered him in his goal of internal reform at the UN.波尔顿的粗暴态度遭致批评,有些人认为这将阻碍他推行联合国内部改革的目标。

8.An NFL-commissioned study of rates of dementia among ex-players compared to the general population also was hampered by data-quapty issues.美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)委托对退役球员较之普通大众痴呆率的研究也因数据质量问题而遭到质疑。

9.China's emergence, as symbopsed by the Olympics, will otherwise continue to be hampered by the instabipty in its own backyard.中国在日益崛起,奥运就是一个象征,然而如果不解决好上述问题,后院起火将会不断困扰着中国的发展。

10.But his efforts to impose his will on Repsol have been hampered by a bylaw that pmits the voting rights of any single shareholder to 10%.但是Rivero试图给雷普索尔强加自己的意愿,却受到了公司附则的限制,即每个股东的投票权仅有10%。