



美式发音: [rɪˈsaɪt] 英式发音: [rɪ'saɪt]



第三人称单数:recites  现在分词:reciting  过去式:recited  搭配同义词

v.+n.recite poem,recite alphabet




v.1.to say a poem or story that you have learned to an audience2.to give a long detailed spoken description of something

1.背诵 bounce 弹跳 弹回 recited 背诵 lullaby 摇篮曲 催眠曲 ...

2.朗诵 ... )comprise 包括; )recited 背诵;朗诵; )lean on 依靠; ...

3.念念有词他就拖拉成天泡在西直门,一面儿绕圈儿一壁嘴里念念有词(Recited)……直到他搬进升平病院(神经病病院)咱们都不真切他 …

4.再别康桥徐志摩: 再别康桥| 再别康桥(Recited)


1.You took it out on special occasions and recited that hero's great deeds and genealogy.在特殊场合,你得把它带去,重述英雄的伟大事迹和族谱。

2.He came into my room, saw the fear and apprehension on my face, and recited a short prayer with me for my grandma and his mother.他来到我房间,从我脸上看到了害怕和忧惧,他和我一块给我的奶奶他的母亲做了一个简短的祷告。

3.As I recited the Serenity Prayer, all the procedures I had learned during training to deal with a hijacking flooded back to me.在背诵“静心祷告”的时候,我接受培训时学到的所有应对劫机的措施涌现在脑中。

4.She was all over me. She kissed me and recited my own lyrics.她爱上我了,她亲了我还朗诵了我的歌词

5.A very pttle boy stood up and sheepishly recited, "You'd scarce expect one of my age to speak in pubpc on the stage, " etc.一个年龄小的男孩站起来按事先准备好的说:“大家可能没有想到,像我这年龄的孩子会到讲台上来当众演讲。”

6.Trevor closed his eyes and recited. "Wikipedia. "特雷福闭着眼,娓娓背诵,“维基百科如是说。”

7.Before we went back, she recited the rest four sentences in lesson 144 to me. It was easy for her.在我们回家之前,她把第一百四十四课剩下的四句话背诵给我听了。

8.At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by the neglected the passage of time.小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。

9.Our private room also has one. I felt a pttle bit boring while drinking and chatting, so I recited it down on the sneak.觥筹交错中,我觉得有点小无趣,于是乎,我就偷偷的把我们包厢里的诗背了下来。

10.I had probably prepared two or three sentences about my illness and her help and how grateful I was, and recited them to her.关于我的病,她如何帮助我和我又如何感谢的她,我可能是准备了两三句话,背给她听了。