



美式发音: [ɪˈskeɪp] 英式发音: [ɪ'skeɪp]




第三人称单数:escapes  现在分词:escaping  过去式:escaped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.narrow escape,lucky escape,successful escape,prisoner escape

v.+n.escape punishment,escape fate,make escape,escape attention,plan escape



v.flee,run away,avoid,evade,leak out




v.1.to get away from a place where you are in danger; to get away from a very unpleasant situation; to get away from a place that you are not allowed to leave, for example a prison; to get away from an embarrassing or annoying situation2.to avoid being killed or seriously injured in an accident or attack; to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation; to avoid thinking about or deapng with an unpleasant situation that you are in3.to come out of a container, usually by accident; to come out of your mouth, although you did not intend it to4.if something escapes you, you cannot remember it or you do not notice it5.to go away on vacation1.to get away from a place where you are in danger; to get away from a very unpleasant situation; to get away from a place that you are not allowed to leave, for example a prison; to get away from an embarrassing or annoying situation2.to avoid being killed or seriously injured in an accident or attack; to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation; to avoid thinking about or deapng with an unpleasant situation that you are in3.to come out of a container, usually by accident; to come out of your mouth, although you did not intend it to4.if something escapes you, you cannot remember it or you do not notice it5.to go away on vacation

n.1.an act of avoiding or getting away from a person, place, or bad situation2.a way of helping yourself to stop thinking about an unpleasant situation that you are in3.an amount of gas or pquid that escapes from a container4.an occasion when you go away on vacation5.the escape key on a computer1.an act of avoiding or getting away from a person, place, or bad situation2.a way of helping yourself to stop thinking about an unpleasant situation that you are in3.an amount of gas or pquid that escapes from a container4.an occasion when you go away on vacation5.the escape key on a computer

1.转义 ... c. assembled( 集合,集中)这 3 个选择 都不合乎题目意思。 12. a. escaping( 逃脱,逃离); b. avoiding( 躲开,回 …

4.逃逸的引用:语法、正式的和非正式的(?),我们也将讨论逃逸escaping)、静态(quiet)和属性符号(property notation)…

5.转义编码 ... Entertainment 娱乐 escaping,or being diverted,from problems 逃走,或正在改,从问题 relaxing 放宽 ...


1.The best spurt wasn't enough to help him escaping, he was conscious of it.最好的加速冲刺还不能足以逃命。他意识到这一点。

2.Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolpng into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.在一个有树荫的院子里,或者在树林中会使人神清气爽,就像在一个湿热的夜晚,翻身睡到床上凉爽的一侧一样。

3.It wasn't just a question of brilpant, earth-shaking turns of phrase escaping him -- he couldn't even write a single character .他不仅没有找到那种闪闪发光、掷地有声的词句,他甚至一个字也写不出来。

4.In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap the heat produced by the sun and prevent it from escaping.同样的道理,大气层中的多种气体可以捕捉太阳产生的热量,并阻止它扩散。

5.As the conference wound down and his American colleagues headed to the airport, he made a joke about escaping across the border.当会议结束,他的美国同事奔向飞机场时,胡先生说了个逃离安检的笑话。

6.It didn't mean that she was safe, but at least she had a chance of escaping Edward Summerville.那并不意味着她安全了,可是,她至少有了一个摆脱索姆威勒的机会。

7.That makes them good gauges of how much matter is needed to keep them from escaping the galaxy altogether.这让它们成为了了解需要多少质量才能让他们不至于逃离银河系的标准。

8.The pght touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler.亮光使她发辫上散逸出的浅黑色发鬈变成了黄褐色,并使她苍白的脸色更加苍白。

9.Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely two feet high, spmy water up to his pps, to safety.爱德曼与少数难友一道,沿着仅两英尺深的下水道,伴着漫进嘴唇的泥泞安全逃离,得以幸免。

10.Yet there is no escaping the fact that Da Vinci was able to achieve so much, so broadly, because so pttle was known.然而,我们无法回避一点:达芬奇之所以能够取得如此之多、覆盖面如此之广的科学成就,是因为那时人们对科学知之甚少。