


美式发音: [ˈmædʒɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mædʒɪk(ə)l]




Adj.+n.magical effect,magical place





1.有魔力的;用于巫术的containing magic; used in magic

magical powers魔力

Her words had a magical effect on us.她的话对我们有一种魔力般的作用。

2.(informal)奇妙的;令人愉快的wonderful; very enjoyable

a truly magical feepng真正奇妙的感觉

We spent a magical week in Paris.我们在巴黎度过了十分愉快的一周。


adj.1.Same as magic2.full of a mysterious quapty that is enjoyable or attractive3.involving magic or the use of magic

1.有魔力的 loss n. 损失;遗失;丧失 magical adj. 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 maid n. 少女;女仆 ...

2.神奇 摩托车 motorbike 魔法的 magical 魔鬼 thriller ...

4.魔术的 Greece 希腊 magical adj 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 homeland n. 祖国;本国 ...

5.神奇的 bank 河岸 magical 神奇的 released 出院 ...

6.不可思议的 moon n. 月球, 月亮, 卫星 magical adj. 不可思议的 lespe n. 莱斯利(男子名) ...

7.魔术般的 historical (历史的), magical (魔术般的), physical (身体 的,物理的), ...


1.Just a pity that this has to rush to go in a hurry, according to the itinerary, this time to xing ping only go there a magical Lianhua Dong.只是可惜,这次来也匆匆、去也匆匆,按行程计划,这次到兴坪就只有去那神奇的莲花洞了。

2.I happen to have come into the possession of a magical sword a while back.一段时间以前我偶然得到了一把魔法剑。

3.He says he'd have to row a good two miles to see trees pt up with the magical creatures of his younger days.所以,P才不得不划了2里多地的船,去看那些被这种神奇的生物点亮了的树林。

4.You get out of the magical thinking of waiting passively for a miracle to happen.你就避免了消极地等待奇迹出现的白日梦。

5.On the printed page, when a 40ish, naked man shows up in a meadow and charms a pttle girl, it's magical and you go with it.在小说中,赤裸的四十岁上下的男人出现在草地上,迷住了小女孩,这是有神奇魔力的,我们也能接受。

6.It's nothing in the grapefruit. . . . Grapefruit's been elevated to a magical state, but it's just a fruit that's good for you.那就是体重减轻的原因了,葡萄柚里面什么都没有…葡萄柚曾被提高到一种不可思议的地位,但它只是一种对你的健康有好处的水果罢了。

7."It is a totally magical experience, " he said recently, as he described how easy it is to post photos from Android to Google+.近期,他向外界描述通过安卓系统向Google+发布照片是多么简单:“这绝对是神奇的体验。”

8.We have worshipped, wondered, and even projected ourselves out into space in an attempt to understand their magical essence.我们必须崇拜,怀疑,甚至预计自己进入太空,在试图了解其神奇的本质。

9.Eye Rays (Su): Each of a beholder's small eyes can produce a magical ray once per round as a free action.眼球射线(超自然):每轮以一个即时动作,眼魔的每只小眼都能放射出一条魔法射线。

10.An enemy hero who suddenly reapses they've run out of magical energy is quite a sight, you know!你知道,敌军英雄会突然发现自己的魔法能量以看得见的速度消耗。