


美式发音: [ˈeskroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈeskrəʊ]




复数:escrows  现在分词:escrowing  过去分词:escrowed  



n.1.money, property, or a legal document that is kept by someone until a particular thing has happened

1.第三方托管 ... Escrow Agreement 第三方保管协议 Escrow 第三方保管契约 Eurobank 欧洲银 …



1.Counting the money over the tax, the tax and the escrow money they would no longer receive, that would be a hit of roughly $10 milpon.数一数,光是税钱(这笔税和第三方保管契约的花费他们可能永远也不会接受)一起会达到大约1000万。

2.The $20 bilpon escrow account should cover most clean-up costs as well as the potential economic damages BP might have to pay.200亿美元的条件交付账户应该能覆盖大多数清理花费,以及英国石油公司也许须赔偿的潜在的经济损害。

3.And it's not that easy to transition from being an architect to a software engineer, or from an escrow officer to an airplane mechanic.并且,无论是从一个建筑师过渡到一个软件工程师,还或是从一个包工头转变到一位飞机机修工,那都并非易事。

4.For instance, the escrow could be set up to release funds upon the completion of an effective flood-prevention scheme.美国可以将第三方管理账户设置成--只有方案全面解决洪灾问题时准予发放援助资金等。

5.After several frantic days of trying to find the bug, Microsoft finally fixed the problem last Friday and reset escrow.在令人抓狂的发现bug的几天之后,微软终于修复这个问题,并重新提交契约方。

6.Last week, BP acceded to White House demands to set up a $20 bilpon escrow account for compensating victims of the oil disaster.上周英国石油公司同意了白宫希望其建立200亿美元托管帐户以赔偿此次漏油事件受害者的要求。

7.Dreier, according to court documents, was the only person at the 238-lawyer firm to have authority over those escrow accounts.法庭的材料表明,在这家总共有238名律师的事务所中,只有德雷尔一人经手那些第三方托管账户。

8.The bank has already paid the money into an escrow account.银行已经将支付款打到了escrow的账户中了。

9.Lawyers at the White House and for BP have been negotiating for days about an escrow account.白宫的律师应经和英国就建立代管帐户事宜谈判数日。

10.This might involve key escrow, back doors into a system, or other methods.这可能涉及密钥契约、在系统中开后门或其它方法。