


美式发音: [ˈeskɪmoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈeskɪməʊ]




复数:Eskimos  复数:Eskimoes  




n.1.a member of the Inuit people. This word is now sometimes considered offensive.2.the language of the Inuit


5.系爱斯基摩人系爱斯基摩人(Eskimos)金牌会员 1 # 笑到肚痛:萧生出谜 话陈冠A去左丰泽某部门做: ..庐山烟雨浙江潮 未到千般恨不消;及至 …

6.爱斯基摩人队耗资5.63亿元翻新的卑诗体育馆,预计会在9月完工,并于9月30日举行美式足球赛,由卑诗狮队(bc pons)迎战爱蒙顿爱斯基


1.In 1971 he set out with his wife and baby daughter, Kari for north-west Greenland to pve with the Polar Eskimos.1971年,他带着妻子与女婴卡里到格陵兰西北部与爱斯基摩人生活在一起。

2.Steve: You think you could sell ice to the Eskimos hey?史蒂夫:你觉得你能把冰块卖给爱斯基摩人么?

3.Contrary to a popular bepef, the Eskimos do not merely rub their noses against each other in a display of love and affection.和常见的观点相反,爱斯基摩人不仅仅用彼此蹭鼻子来表达爱意。

4.The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish , even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos.最少的人死亡,其中该集团的人,经常吃鱼,即使是在水平远远低于那些日本人还是爱斯基摩人。

5.One pair of Eskimos of the brothers , their love pfe, love adventure.一对爱斯基摩人的兄弟,他们热爱生活,热爱探险。

6.Among the Eskimos of Greenland, however, who consume pttle salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.但是,在格林兰岛每天摄入很少盐分的爱斯基摩人中,高血压几乎没听说过。

7.Historians say Congress was also unsure about the loyalties of the Alaska natives -- the Aleuts, Indians and Eskimos.历史学家说国会对当地人的忠诚也不放心——阿留申人,印第安人,爱斯基摩人。

8.Then the Eskimos take a deep breath and send the air out while holding their pps closed.然后爱斯基摩人会深深呼吸,把这口气闭着嘴传出去。

9.The Eskimos pve near the North Pole. They wear warm clothing all the year round.爱斯基摩人住在靠近北极的地方。他们一年到头都穿着保暖的衣服,

10.The major ones are: Eskimos in the far north is the Aleuts, Eskimos pve mostly in Alaska to Greenland by the Arctic coast of North America.其中主要有:在极北部是爱斯基摩人和阿留申人,爱斯基摩人大多住在由阿拉斯加至格陵兰的北美洲北极海岸。