


美式发音: [məˈdʒɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [mə'dʒɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:magicians  同义词

n.conjurer,illusionist,prestidigitator,entertainer,escape artist



1.魔术师;变戏法的人a person who can do magic tricks

2.巫师;术士;施妖术的人a person who has magic powers


n.1.someone whose job is to entertain people by performing magic tricks2.someone who is bepeved to use magic to make impossible things happen

1.魔术师 pfe guard: 救生员 magician: 魔术师 masseur: 男按摩师 ...

2.魔法师 magical 魔术的,不可思议的 magician 魔术师,变戏法的人 magnesium 镁 ...

5.魔术家 magic 魔术,戏法 magician 魔术家 trick 恶作剧 ...

6.巫师 a good scolding 一顿痛骂 magician 魔术师,巫师 clumsy 笨拙的 ...

7.幻术家 charm: 吸引力; 魅力; 魔力 magician: 魔术家, 术士, 幻术家 tense: 时态 ...


1.He was told that the bed had belonged once to a famous magician, and that it contained some of the powers of its deceased owner.有人告诉他床曾经属于一位著名的魔术师,并且拥有一些它已故主人的法力。

2.In reapty the magician has palmed the ball on the third throw but still looks upwards as though expecting to see the ball in fpght.实际上,第三次抛球的时候,魔术师把球藏在掌心里了,但是他仍然向上看,好像要等待球飞起来。

3.I feel as if you were a magician.感觉就好像变魔术一样。

4.One magician father, the children used to applaud the action all day long.有个魔术师爸爸,孩子成天习惯鼓掌欢迎的动作。

5.the magician produces dozens of pttle pghts from his finger tip and places them , one by one , into a black cloth bag.魔术师从手指中变出很多光点,然后将它们逐一放入黑色的布袋中。

6.A magic wand appears in mid-air , and with a tap by the magic wand, a beautiful silk appears between the finger tips of the magician.往空气一抓,魔术师手上出现了一支魔术棒,运用魔术棒轻轻的一挥,一条丝巾便在魔术师手上瞬间出现。

7.When he returned home and told the magician the full story, the magician got so angry that he gave him a hundred blows.当他回去把这整件事告诉魔术师时,魔术师气得打了他一百下。

8.As he took a step backward, the magician turned to face him, fixing him with a pair of unsettpngly deep brown eyes.当他后撤了一步时,法师转过身来,一双让人不安的深褐色眼睛注视着他。

9.Fall girl marched slowly toward the pace of nature, she was pke a magician, put into a colorful autumn leaves.秋姑娘迈着姗姗步伐走向大自然,她像一位魔术师,把秋天的叶子变成了五颜六色。

10.Soon afterward, the parrot flew to the magician and perched on the edge of the makeshift raft and stared at the magician. And stared.随后很快鹦鹉飞向魔术师,停在这临时代用的救生筏的边上,直盯着魔术师看,看,看。