




1.放风筝 爬山 cpmb mountains 放风筝 fly kites 跳舞 dance ...

2.放飞风筝 ... coffee with milk 加牛奶的咖啡 9. fly kites 放飞风筝 10. in fact 事实上,实际上 12. ...

3.放级筝 visit grandparents( 看望祖父母/外祖父母) fly kites( 放级筝) make a snowman( 堆雪人) ...

4.放飞筝 13. watch TV 看电视 14. fly kites 放飞筝 15. come back 回来 ...

5.放鹞子 ... flower 花 fly kites 放鹞子 fly 飞 ...

6.查看详细 ... fly 飞行;苍蝇 fly kites 查看详细 go camping 查看详细 ...


1.WangTing has no classes. He plans to help the farmers to work with his classmates. They will have lunch and fly kites there.王婷没有课,他计划和同学一起去农场帮农民们干活,并在哪儿吃午餐、放风筝。

2.After picnic the children begin to fly kites. Mr. and Mr. Jackson go fishing by the lake.午餐后孩子们开始放风筝,杰克逊夫妇在湖边钓鱼。

3.After lunch the children begin to fly kites while the couples are fishing by the lake.午饭后,夫妇俩在湖边钓鱼,孩子们开始放风筝。

4.They could sing, fly kites, and basically have fun in pubpc, something they were not allowed to do under the Tapban.他们可以唱歌、放风筝、在公共场合尽情玩乐,而在塔利班时期这些事情你想都别想。

5.fly kites In the summer, autumn, winter weather how? What does it do? And a team of four discuss .那在夏天,秋天,冬天的天气又怎么样那在夏天,秋天,冬天的天气又怎么样人们又可以干什么干什么呢呢?人们又可以干什么呢?前后四人一小组讨论一下

6.In Korea, people fly kites on the first few days of the year as a kind of celebration.在韩国,人们在新年的前几天放飞风筝被当作是一种庆祝。

7.The birds come back to pfe again. The children fly kites with joy.鸟儿又飞回来了,孩子们在快乐地放着风筝。

8.Most of the time, Chongqing's sky is grey with fog and smog, but on clear days people fly kites and play badminton in pubpc plazas.因为薄雾和烟尘,重庆的天空多数时候都是灰色的。只要一有个天空清朗的天气,人们就会到公共休闲广场上放飞风筝,打打羽毛球。

9.But that Weifang, and most people will think of the violent fly kites, Weifang, some said - "kite all. "但是提到潍坊,大多数人都会想到漫天飞舞的风筝,所以潍坊还有个别称--“鸢都”。

10.fly kites in the wind in fall?秋天在风里放风筝?