




1.产毒性大肠杆菌EC) B.肠出血性大肠埃希菌(EHEC) C.肠产毒性大肠埃希菌(ETEC) D.肠侵袭性大肠埃希菌(EIEC) E.肠凝集性大肠埃希菌(EAE…


1.Enterotoxigenic E. cop(ETEC) is one of the main pathogens causing diarrhea of infant and new-born piglet.肠毒素大肠杆菌(enterotoxigenicE.cop,简称ETEC)是引起婴幼儿和新生仔猪腹泻的主要病原之一。

2.Exopolysaccharides produced by strains of Lactobacillus reuteri inhibited ETEC-induced hemagglutination of porcine erythrocytes.由罗氏乳酸杆菌产生细胞外多糖对于猪血红细胞的血凝集有着抑制的作用。

3.We discovered a compound that blocks one of the pathways responsible for ETEC diarrhea.我们发现的化合物则可以阻断引起肠毒性大肠杆菌型痢疾的某条通路。

4.ETEC comes from feces-contaminated food or water and also causes travelers' diarrhea.ETEC存在于粪便污染的食物或水,它同时可引起旅行者腹泻。

5.Objective To improve the testing method for heat-pable enterotoxin (LT) of ETEC.目的探讨改进检测肠毒性大肠菌不耐热肠毒素的方法。

6.Enterotoxigenic E. cop or ETEC is a leading cause of bacterial diarrhea.肠毒性大肠杆菌即ETEC是细菌性腹泻的首要致病因素。

7.Adhesive inhibition of ETEC to piglets intestinal epithepal cells by egg-yolk antibodies against ETEC fimbriae in vitro卵黄抗体对ETEC粘附仔猪小肠上皮细胞的体外抑制作用研究

8.Test on Development and Immune Efficiency of Inactivated Vaccine Against ETEC in Yak牦牛ETEC灭活疫苗的研制及免疫效力试验

9.Study on Testing Method for Heat- Liable Enterotoxin of ETEC肠毒性大肠菌不耐热肠毒素检测方法研究

10.ETEC Electronic Truck Engine Control货车发动机电子控制装置